A child who is one year old is well on his feet, trying to pronounce the first words, he has a lot of energy. At this age, the baby begins to actively explore the world around him with the help of his own pens. How to channel all this into a peaceful channel?

finger paints, pencils, paper, Whatman paper, toys
Step 1
Take pencils, you can use ordinary ones, but wax is better and a sheet of paper. Try showing your toddler how to do simple drawings. For example, the sun or shapes. Draw an object and tell us what it is called, paint it in some color, try to give a pencil to the kid, let him try himself as an artist.
Step 2
Finger paints can be used in the same way. Spread a large oilcloth on the floor and seat the baby. Place a sheet of paper and a set of finger paints in front of him. Take the child's pen and put it in a jar with some one color, leave a print on the sheet. Usually this kind of entertainment gives kids a lot of fun.
Step 3
Take walks in busy places. Ask about the presence of playgrounds, parks or development centers near the house. Show your child animals, plants, describe the weather and people's movements. You may enjoy playing in the sandbox. Sand play develops fine motor skills and promotes brain development.
Step 4
Buy a large Whatman paper. Draw the alphabet on it with different paint colors. Show your baby every day, under each of them you can stick a picture with a picture, for example, of an animal, which is named on the corresponding letter.
Step 5
In addition, you can buy special books for children of this age. Their peculiarity is that on each page the surface is different in structure. Looking at the pictures, the child touches them with his hands and gets tactile sensations.
Step 6
You can purchase educational toys that are sold in stores. These are special centers with balls, clocks, cubes, sorters, air pools, pyramids.
Step 7
Give your baby several different sized plastic containers, he will love to insert them into each other. You can show your child how to put toys inside and out. Children can spend up to 30 minutes a day doing this.