How To Deal With Twins With No One To Help

How To Deal With Twins With No One To Help
How To Deal With Twins With No One To Help

Gemini sounds so great. Two identical babies, double happiness. But twins are not only a great joy (at least twice as usual), but also a very great responsibility. Parents of twins and triplets already from the moment of pregnancy understand that it will not be easy for them. And they know firsthand about all the difficulties of simultaneously raising several children of the same age at once.

How to deal with twins with no one to help
How to deal with twins with no one to help

The fact that a double or triple joy is expected in their family, modern parents find out already at the first ultrasound when registering the expectant mother at the antenatal clinic. Therefore, they have time to think about how to arrange the life of their kids. This issue is especially relevant if there are no assistants nearby in the form of caring grandmothers and aunts.

How to arrange your life for a family with twins

For parents of twins, like no one else, a clear regime and daily routine are especially important. After all, it is almost impossible for a large family to survive without it, during the day, everyone should not only work, but also relax. And this means that babies from birth need to be taught to certain rituals that are performed no matter what - no matter how tired, lazy, sick, etc. True, most often difficulties arise with this item, because the twins are people with different temperaments and characters. However, having carefully observed them, one can deduce certain patterns around which the entire regime will be built.

Engage in development with children from the very beginning. This will help to identify certain traits that are inherent in your children, so that you can then use them to your advantage. And then it will be easier to choose activities to your liking. At the same time, try not to forget about common games, because babies should be able to interact with each other.

One of the biggest challenges is feeding. After all, it is extremely difficult to apply two to the chest at once. Therefore, you need to work out a scheme for how you can optimally feed in turn. For example, if one baby is still asleep, and the second is already awake, feed him, and then wake up the sleepyhead. When introducing complementary foods, it is necessary to feed the babies, based on their preferences. So things will go faster, and there will be no scandals with shoving a spoonful of unloved puree for dad or mom.

If babies cry, the main thing is not to lose your temper. Check for all potential causes of tears: hunger, cold, uncomfortable clothes, or being in bed. Try to connect your favorite toys. Feel free to use modern devices, such as hanging mobiles, etc.

Another difficulty that usually arises is the organization of the child's sleep. It is best to arrange different cribs for babies so that they do not wake each other up. Children should be put to bed at the same time. Since holding them in your hands at the same time will not work. You can lie with them on the sofa, surrounding yourself with them, and quietly hum or tell them stories.

Walking with twins in Russian reality is a real quest. It is rather difficult for a young mother to solve it without helpers. But you can. So, for example, if you don't have a large elevator in your house, put the kids to sleep on the balcony for a nap. And move your walks to the evening when dad is at home. Alternatively, if there are enough adult teenagers in the neighborhood, for example, high school students, they can be asked to help remove the stroller from the entrance at least once or twice a week.

You need to take turns bathing babies while they are not yet able to sit. True, you will have to attend to the purchase of a special seat on which you can place the already redeemed child so that he is next to you. And don't forget to bring toys for the first toddler in the bath.

As for going to the doctor, it is better to take assistants with you: a neighbor, the father of the children, hire an hourly nanny. If possible, it is better to invite a doctor to your home.

What is the most difficult thing in organizing the life of a mom with twins

The hardest part of raising twins when there are no helpers is to control yourself. After all, the life of a mother during this period is like one endless day of a groundhog, practically walking in a circle. Therefore, it is very easy to get nervous tension that develops into depression, which will be very, very difficult to get rid of. Therefore, mom, in spite of everything, needs to pay attention to herself, at least an hour a day - lie in a bubble bath, read her favorite book, tie, etc.

Of course, some of the household chores should be delegated to dad. After all, an adult independent man is quite capable of helping his wife and washing the dishes.

The main thing is to remember that babies grow very quickly and further with them, from the point of view of everyday life, it will become easier and simpler.
