At the words “happy childhood”, an image of a full-fledged friendly family appears before our eyes, where mom bakes delicious pies, and dad goes fishing or football with the child. But not everyone is so lucky, and for various reasons there are quite a few single-parent families. After a divorce, children are more often raised by their mother, and the father, at best, communicates with them on weekends. How to properly raise a baby if he lives in an incomplete family?

Step 1
If you broke up with the child's father before the baby was born or when he was still a baby, do not invent stories about the deceased hero pilot. When the father suddenly "resurrects" and decides to communicate with the child, the baby will understand that you deceived him and will stop trusting you.
Step 2
Do not indulge all the whims of children, thus trying to compensate for the lack of fatherly love. There is a danger of raising a child as an egoist who does not notice the interests and needs of others.
Step 3
Do not go to the other extreme, raising your baby too strictly, thinking that without a tough male hand, he will be completely spoiled. Be kind and fair, children need care and support, not constant nagging and criticism. Excessively stringent requirements for a child can lead to conflict and protest on his part, a reasonable measure is needed in everything.
Step 4
No matter how painful your divorce may be, do not interfere with the child's communication with the father. Allow them to meet at least several times a week, the father in the baby's life plays no less important role than the mother. Be patient, because the calmness and well-being of the child is more important than mutual resentment and hostility.
Step 5
Be sure to talk to your baby. It is very good if both parents are present during the conversation. Reassure your child that you love him no less than you did before, even though you are now living separately from his dad.
Step 6
If the ex-spouse does not want to communicate with the baby at all, do not throw out your personal problems on the child and do not turn him against the father, saying that dad is a scoundrel and scoundrel. Tell your child that this situation has developed because dad cannot or does not want to do otherwise, and you need to accept this and try not to blame the father. Don't promise daddy will come back for sure. Do not give false hopes, because the baby will constantly wait for his father and harass you with endless questions.
Step 7
Be tactful and patient, because sometimes raising a child in an incomplete family, where love and understanding reign, can be very fruitful.