Raising a child in an incomplete family is an extremely difficult task, and it does not matter whether we are talking about a boy or a girl. But each gender has its own characteristics, which are worth paying attention to. The main difficulty in raising boys in single-parent families is that he does not have an example to follow.

Step 1
First of all, you just need to believe that you can raise a man without the support of your biological father. Of course, his presence could greatly facilitate the task. You need to understand that a single-parent family does not mean that you will have problems with upbringing. You just have to play two roles, and apply a subtle and very competent approach to the child.
Step 2
The relationship with the child's mother is manifested through feelings and emotions, with the father through actions. Usually, a woman is seen as a source of warmth and love, and a man as a head coach who guides children towards achievement. Therefore, you will have to work for two, developing not only the spiritual state of the baby, but also motivating him to do the right thing and with dignity.
Step 3
First of all, you have to learn to control. Do not allow yourself to "fall in love" with the boy, make him effeminate and touchy. A man should be able to fight back, so do not demand unquestioning obedience from him. Already from 3-4 years old you can begin to limit yourself. It is believed that it is at this time that the character of the child begins to form.
Step 4
Do not limit the child's communication with adult men. If you have relatives or friends with whom the child can communicate, then try to invite them more often. Ask to take your son on a fishing trip, let him watch football together, or send him on a hike. You will have to learn to share men's interests and discuss "boyish affairs" with him.
Step 5
Teach your child that he is your main helper, your protection and support. As the boy gets older, ask him to carry heavy bags. Gradually teach him how to use the tools and do not be afraid to ask him to do some housework. You need to instill in him independence so that he himself can find work around the house.
Step 6
Do not be jealous of your son towards his friends. Boys are in great need of companionship and friendship. In addition, he can often come home with bruises, because he will have to play active games and even fight. You should not make a tragedy out of this, since every man must go through this period. Just make sure that he does not get into the "bad company", but you should not closely monitor him either.
Step 7
There is no need to be intimidated by the sports sections that the child chooses, even if it is wrestling or boxing. Respect your son's choice. In addition, they will help him get in good physical shape, which will make his life easier in the future. If he does not like the chosen sport, he will leave himself, but you should not somehow influence or reproach him.