Why Does The Child Disobey

Why Does The Child Disobey
Why Does The Child Disobey

Is the child screaming, stamping his feet and completely unwilling to obey you? What could be the reason? The surrounding people shake their heads and say that the baby was simply spoiled and is capricious. Don't worry, it's not that bad. There may be quite objective reasons for this behavior of your child.

Why does the child disobey
Why does the child disobey

Too Many Inhibitions When a child is constantly forbidden, he simply has some need to disobey. You can't get your tights dirty, you can't run, you can't jump, you can't sweets, you can't watch cartoons, you can't run around the swing, etc. The system of prohibitions is so great that the really important ones are lost in a large number of smaller ones. And the child begins to violate them, simply fulfilling the need for violation. And it's good if this disobedience applies only to minor prohibitions. And if he immediately violates what is really important? For example, a ban on playing with matches? A reason to think overly strict parents. Permissiveness This is the exact opposite of strictness and the system of prohibitions. At first glance, it seems that parents and children have a complete understanding. Dad and Mom are magicians who can do anything. But suddenly a moment comes when the child's desire cannot be fulfilled. Parents know that this is impossible, and the child thinks that they simply do not want to. And if he becomes capricious and demanding, then mom and dad will fulfill his whim. Both in the first and in the second case, a certain measure should be observed in the upbringing of the child. The third reason for whims and disobedience is the inconsistency of parents in prohibitions. That is, the mother says to the child “you can”, and the dad says “you can’t.” Naturally, in this case, the kid will choose the position "can", but at the same time he will try to do everything quietly, and when they start scolding him, the parents can get not just whims, but a real hysteria. Therefore, it is very important that parents, at least in important points, always know each other's position on a particular issue. In case of doubt, the child can simply be told that “I will consult with mom and dad, and we will decide.” Increased excitability This fact most often depends on medical indicators. And it is tracked in infancy. Such children are identified by a neurologist, psychologist, etc. Crises A crisis of one year, a crisis of 3 years, a crisis of 7 years. Psychologists and educators have a whole table of such crises. But not every parent knows about this. In essence, a crisis is a child's transition to a new stage of development. In fact, the baby jumps into a new form of development in some revolutionary way. A conflict arises when the parents do not have time to rebuild. For example, a child jumped to this stage at the age of three, and mom and dad are still communicating with him according to the system of built relationships for two years. However, this system no longer works and it seems that the baby does not obey, behaves badly, is capricious. Some parents say that they did not notice any crisis in their children, and it seems as if there was none. This is wrong. There was a crisis, just in this case, the parents managed to adjust to the needs of the child. Jealousy When there are two children in a family - this is one of the main reasons. The younger one requires more attention than the older one, and the older child becomes jealous. Whims, disobedience are a kind of way to draw attention to yourself and get the amount of time that you have devoted to the younger, albeit with the negative emotions of the parents. Therefore, it is worth watching how you distribute your attention between children. If you sat down to draw with the younger, be sure to include the older one. Thus, you will pay attention, and you will be able to establish relationships between children. Excessive requirements A child grows up gradually and, in accordance with the norms of development, begins to talk, read, write. At the same time, there are also individual characteristics. Therefore, do not demand from him what he is not yet ready for.
