The phrase "real man" can often be heard in conversations of girls discussing guys. As a rule, this is a rather vague definition, which forms the image of a kind, strong, understanding and forgiving male representative, but some criteria are quite unambiguous.

How is the real one different from the usual
There is no general definition of what a real man should be in a woman's opinion, since every woman has her own ideas about an ideal partner. It is also necessary to understand that women, despite their elevation, are quite pragmatic, and most often they consider men from the point of view of creating a family, raising children, and a long life together. Therefore, many female definitions of "real man" seem consumer and practical to guys. However, it should be borne in mind that in a long-term relationship, practical issues almost always come to the fore sooner or later, so you should not blame the young ladies for excessive prudence.
First of all, a real man must have a strong character and not be afraid to take responsibility for certain decisions. The historically established role of a man as the head of the family assigns to the representatives of the stronger sex not only certain privileges, but also a number of duties that cannot be neglected. This also applies to the art of setting correct life goals and the ability to achieve them. Very often this criterion is confused with wealth or fame, but these attributes are only consequences of having a clear position in life and the ability to achieve their goals.
Significant criteria also include accuracy, love of cooking, lack of passion for alcohol and computer games, although many women are ready to forgive their men for weakness if they do not turn into mania.
Criteria and quality
Personal qualities are also considered important: intelligence, strength, emotionality. If earlier physical strength was an indispensable characteristic of a real man, then with the development of intellectual production, the mind came to the fore, however, the ability to protect themselves and their loved ones, cope with a difficult problem and even just hammer a nail is still highly valued by women who want to see in their partner a reliable protector and a person you can rely on.
Love for children is also an important factor, but in most cases it is enough for a woman for a man to love his children, and not all the little people in the world.
And emotionality and the ability to understand other people's experiences are necessary to penetrate into the depths of complex female feelings and understand them, without which it is impossible to imagine mutual understanding.