Intimacy is an opportunity to have fun. And sometimes they happen without mutual love, affection, and promises. Today more and more people choose "free relationship" in order to relieve themselves of responsibility.

Step 1
Sex without commitment is the communication of two or more people who do not require anything from each other except for the satisfaction of physical needs. They give affection, pleasure, but outside the bed they do not ask for understanding, support. They are free from each other, are not connected in any way and can part at any time on the initiative of any participant.
Step 2
There is an opinion that this is a relationship for one night or with strangers. It is not always so. Of course, when young people fall asleep together after the club, this is also a lack of responsibility and promises, they also live by this principle. But sometimes old friends decide to be intimate without promises. When life does not work out for both partners, when it is impossible to start a family, you can use someone you have known for a long time. With this person, you can discuss everything, decide everything and get the most out of the relationship.
Step 3
Sex without commitment is also cheating. Lovers often structure their interactions this way, especially if the partners have families. They understand that this is an opportunity to have fun, to tickle their nerves, but at the same time they do not want scenes of jealousy, claims and resentment. Everyone lives their own life, can enjoy other delights of what is happening and even have sex with different people.
Step 4
Sometimes one of two people agrees to this type of relationship in the hope that the other will have feelings that sex will bond people and this will inflame passion, and then love. Such hopes are sometimes justified, but not so often. And there are a lot of people who believe in this. What do they want reciprocity for? Either they fell in love themselves, or they found another reason, for example, material well-being, which one wants to receive.
Step 5
Sex without commitment is more explicit than normal sex. Since people don't demand anything, they don't need to look better than they are. This is allowed to relax and be yourself, not depending on the opinion. So you can talk about your desires, express all secret fantasies, and if it works out, then embody them. Yes, and it is often uninhibited people who decide on such a relationship who do not have complexes and do not pay attention to the words of others.
Step 6
Sex without commitment has its downsides, it can end at any time. Of course, the participants are aware of this, but almost always the gap is unexpected. This does not bring suffering and cruel grievances, often bewilderment. But if people know how to build such a relationship, then parting does not become a problem. And such a relationship does not lead anywhere. Children do not appear from them, families are not created. It is just an opportunity to pass the time, which is never completely satisfying. This is a game that gets boring at some point.