If earlier such a concept as sex made people blush with shame, now conversations on intimate topics have become quite popular, and young people also treat sex easily and uninhibited.

Now many guys and girls choose sex without obligation instead of relationships. This choice is quite understandable and is explained by the fact that on lonely long evenings you seem to have someone to warm you, but at the same time, you owe nothing to anyone. You do not need to report to your significant other about where and with whom you spent today, yesterday evening or even the night, you do not have to come up with excuses about who called you or wrote messages. Even if acquaintances tell your sexual partner that they saw you with someone in a cafe, movie or restaurant, you can not lie, but openly declare that you are planning, for example, to build a relationship with this or that person.
In addition, if people prefer sex without commitment, there are rarely any conflicts between them, since there is no couple, which means there should not be joint problems, because everyone is responsible for himself.
The only disadvantage of such a relationship is public opinion. It is unlikely that your loved ones will understand you if you boldly tell them that this or that guy or girl is just your sexual partner, with whom you have nothing serious, except for sex without obligation. It is also worth thinking about contraception, since with such promiscuous relationships there is a huge likelihood not only of unwanted pregnancy, but also of infection with sexually transmitted infections.