Why Do Men Choose Some Women And Pass By Others

Why Do Men Choose Some Women And Pass By Others
Why Do Men Choose Some Women And Pass By Others

It often happens that a beautiful, intelligent and attractive woman is alone. She stubbornly searches for a life partner, but men seem to bypass her. Although men go to other women, not so perfect at first glance.

Why do men choose some women and pass by others
Why do men choose some women and pass by others

A man doesn't need a burden

Life is already a very complicated thing. Why put a burden on yourself in the form of a woman? Perhaps you are self-sufficient, earn good money, take care of yourself, but the man feels that there will be constant complaints against him, he will always need to defend himself. This is annoying. Most people just want to relax and enjoy life.


And now, when the marriage has depreciated, and on every corner there are trumpets about an open relationship, weddings are played less and less, and divorces are becoming more frequent. Of course, there is no universal tool that will help attract and retain a man, but there are a couple of tips that will help you not only attract a decent man to you, but also live a happy life with him.

Does a woman need a strong man

When a man has achieved certain heights, has taken place as a person, and hormones have returned to normal, there is an understanding that a woman is not particularly needed. If this is just a woman on whom you need to spend money, time, energy, and she will constantly make scandals and stomp her foot. A man prone to love addiction and not a very strong spirit will tolerate all the antics of a hysterical lady. A self-sufficient man will send her on a free voyage, and even children will not keep her.


In order not to be left on the sidelines, reconsider your behavior. Does your man need to be constantly nagged, reproached and unhappy with him? Either I earned little, then I stayed late at work, then I forgot to buy flowers. Remember that no one owes anything to anyone. Especially when it comes to premarital relationships.

To be needed by a strong man, become self-sufficient. What does it mean? This means that you should be interested in society with yourself. You don't have to need a man. You yourself can solve all life tasks, because you have all the necessary skills. You have your own established position in life. And you know for sure that you are happy. Oscar Wilde said wonderful words: "You will continue to be unhappy as long as you think that others make you happy."

The qualities and skills of a self-sufficient woman

In order to attract a strong and reliable man, you must stop being afraid of loneliness and grab the first person you meet with the thought "even if you are not good, but your own."


Stop shifting responsibility for your life, your happiness, and your fortune onto someone else. After all, absolutely everything depends on you.

Start loving yourself. No matter how trite it may sound, even the Bible says that you need to love your neighbor as yourself. If you don’t know how to love yourself and take care of yourself, you cannot do it for others.

A woman is a source of energy for a man. She draws energy from nature, accumulates it through doing what she loves. Therefore, it is very important to have a favorite job and a hobby that will allow you to take your free time.

The order in thoughts and in the house will also help to tune in the right mood. A woman brings beauty to the world, it is cozy and warm around her. And if a man does not have this feeling of warmth, most likely he will pass by such a woman.

Whatever you do, do it with love. Fill yourself with the energy of love to glow from within.

Watch your body and appearance. Do not try to be like a fitnyash, but do not let yourself go. Respect your body, because it is in it that the most beautiful inner world lives.

How to keep a man

When a strong and intelligent man finds you, let him conquer yourself. Otherwise, you will immediately become uninteresting to him. After all, he is used to setting goals and achieving them. Now your self-sufficiency should fade into the background, because it is incompatible with your family.

Give the reins to your husband. Now he is in charge, and you are the assistant. Stop solving financial problems.


Accompany your husband to work as to the war, meet him as if he came from the war, and the rest of the time try not to bother him.

Take care of yourself, develop yourself as a person. Read, draw, equip your life and raise your children. If you want to work, be sure to choose the work that you like so as not to waste your energy in vain. If you come home from work angry and tired, it is unlikely that this will make someone happy.

Never meddle in your spouse's affairs. Keep work outside your doorstep. Here he takes a break from hostilities. Here he is energized and heals wounds. You can listen to him, give advice. But only when he himself shares. Don't push yourself.


You don't need to dissolve in your partner. Avoid addiction. If you cling to a man with ticks, he will have a normal reaction - to break free. And preferably as soon as possible. Therefore, do not strain him.
