Often, walking down the street, you can accidentally witness heated discussions of family life, which are accompanied by unflattering statements about the absent spouse. But how can you say that about the second half? After concluding a marriage, people strive to create a family, become a single whole and together go further along the chosen path of life. What if you can't make your premarital dreams come true? How then can you find joy in your family life?

First, you need to get rid of bad statements about your spouse and accept him as an integral part of yourself, forming "we". A person will always treat himself well, no matter what, carefully, with trepidation. The other half deserves the same attitude. After all, once both came to the registry office by mutual agreement and love.
Secondly, you need to remember that life is short and consists of many moments during which you can inadvertently insult or offend another, which will give rise to quarrels and reproaches in the future, unnecessary to anyone. Unfortunately, they are inevitable and the couple will rub against each other for a long time. In this case, it is best to learn to sincerely forgive the other half, understand why she did such an act, and discuss the situation with grievances. You should not carry over disagreements and negativity to the next day. This can provoke new conflicts. Only by going through a similar path can you achieve spiritual intimacy in a relationship that can become ideal in the future.
Thirdly, it is necessary to take into account that an important guarantee of a happy family life is the ability of both to be able to reinforce love for each other in the form in which the other half requires it. Someone needs to hear every day that they are loved; someone is waiting for feats and proofs of love, and for someone, a strong night hug is enough. It is important to know what the partner needs and timely provide him with another "portion" of the manifestation of love. Indeed, in order to find joy in family life, you just need to pay attention to the person who is nearby, understand and accept him.