When people get married, it often seems to them that their relationship will always be the same enthusiastic and romantic. But soon after the wedding celebration, they suddenly discover that the relationship has become different! That inimitable romantic "charm" has disappeared, for some reason shortcomings, which had not been paid attention to before, have become noticeable, misunderstandings, quarrels, scandals begin. What is the reason?

Everything is clear and natural. After all, marriage is the art of compromise. Young people who, of their own free will, decided to live together, share shelter and bed, are now simply forced to adapt to each other, taking off their rose-colored glasses. Now it is clear that both husband and wife are not at all ideal, that they have habits that the opposite side does not seem to be the best (and sometimes just annoying). The former enthusiastic admiration at this stage should be replaced by understanding, patience and a willingness to make reasonable compromises. To accept something, to refuse something. It cannot be otherwise if a man and a woman really want to create a strong friendly family, because if you truly love a person, you must be ready to accept him as he is. Not only with advantages (which seem to be exaggerated many times before the wedding), but also disadvantages! A woman should come to terms with the fact that for 99% of young people the word "order" means something quite different from what she is used to. Likewise, the spouse should take something for granted: for example, one should not take seriously the wife's assurances that she will be ready “in just a minute”. Remember that men and women are literally different in everything, and then many "pitfalls" will pass you. Also, you should not be afraid that your relationship has lost its former ardor, all the more panic, considering this a sure sign of an imminent divorce. And here everything is clear and natural. No passion, even the most burning, maddening, can last forever! After some time, she will be replaced by a calmer relationship, which does not at all indicate the disappearance of love. It's just that love has become measured, sedate. And this is quite natural: such is the reality of married life.