With the advent of the sexual revolution, such a person's characteristic as sexuality received special significance for both sexes. Women especially strive to develop this quality in themselves, because the ability to attract and often maintain a relationship with your companion depends on this. There are different understandings of what sexuality is, and this often leads to confusion and misunderstanding.

What is sexuality made of? It can be viewed from two points of view:
- the ability to please the opposite sex (sex appeal);
- the ability to receive pleasure from intimacy (true sexuality).
Sex appeal
Many, especially young girls, strive to look exactly sexy or simply sexy in order to become as attractive as possible for the opposite sex. This gives a certain popularity to the young ladies in the company and the opportunity to choose the most authoritative young person. Older women are equally pleased when men pay attention to them.
A woman's sexuality depends on many factors. This is self-confidence, which should not turn into self-confidence, the ability to emphasize your merits and accept your shortcomings, making them a highlight. Sexuality is also manifested in a sparkling look, expressing intelligence, kindness and sincerity.
Manners are also very important. Many men like such qualities as politeness, soft restraint, the ability to get around "sharp corners", staying on top, and a cheerful disposition. As for appearance, it is absolutely not necessary for a young lady to meet the standards of 90x60x90. It is enough to be well-groomed and be able to dress without shocking, but only with a slight hint of reciprocity, emphasizing your dignity.
True sexuality
Women's sexuality initially manifests itself in coquetry and bashfulness, which allow a woman to draw attention to herself. This process begins at the age of 5-6 years. When a girl reaches puberty, it gives her the opportunity to show the man that her interest in him is against her will. This gives the stronger sex an incentive to start courtship.
This process is necessary in order for a man to feel like a conqueror, and a woman to look at him closely. If the weaker sex seeks to quickly move to bed pleasures, the further desire to return to the stage of courtship will be inadequately perceived by the gentleman. The reason is that such behavior of a woman is perceived not as interest in a particular partner, but as easy accessibility.
A woman's ability to receive pleasure from intimacy comes gradually, with an increasing effect, in contrast to men, for whom the opposite is true. This is due to the sensations during defloration, because for women, this event, often unpleasant and painful, becomes the starting point for a new stage in life.
For the weaker sex, the mood, feelings for a partner, fantasies and dreams are of greater importance. Excitation in women most often occurs not like in men, when contemplating an object of interest or its naked body parts, but from compliments, touches, the smell of a man. At the same time, the number of erogenous zones in women is greater than in men, and gradually their number and strength of sensations increases.