If you dream of conquering a girl whom you fell in love with, but she does not pay attention to you, take care of yourself. Only in your power to get her attention and location, to make the girl notice you and so that you are attractive to her. There are several criteria by which girls judge young people, and they are all important if you want to be noticed.

Step 1
Like women, men must take care of themselves. Take care of your appearance for granted - keep fit and fit all the time, keep your looks clean, shave, cut and comb your hair regularly, be tidy and dress stylishly and tidily. It is more pleasant for women to see a neat man around them.
Step 2
Keep your manners clean in the same way you clean your body. Be polite and considerate, always greet the girl and avoid being tactless and arrogant.
Step 3
Give a woman compliments - tell her she looks amazing to boost her self-esteem. If a girl asks you to rate her new shoes, feel free to rate them positively, even if you don't really like the shoes. You should not answer such questions in monosyllables - the simple phrase “good” will not satisfy the girl. Demonstrate your interest and participation in the process of creating her image. Give her a personal and beautiful compliment.
Step 4
Call the girl by her name as often as possible - she will be pleased that you value her as a person.
Surprise the girl with your abilities - for example, learn how to cook and amaze her with your culinary experiments. Women love when a man is able to take care of himself and of them at the same time. In addition, a good way to a girl's heart is a romantic breakfast in bed, served with a bouquet of flowers, or a hot bath with candles and aromatic oils.
Step 5
Show concern and compassion. If a girl gets sick, bring her medicine, treat her, make her feel safe.
Step 6
Also, if you want to please a girl, be sure to take the time to please her pet. As a rule, girls take seriously the sympathies of their pets, perceiving them as an indicator of the inner qualities of people. Also, her parents should like you - be polite and courteous, communicate with the girl's mother on various topics, letting her know that you are a decent and serious person with serious intentions.
Step 7
Giving a girl flowers is a sign of your attention and care, show her your trust, and also perceive her as a full intellectual and cultural interlocutor. Go to theaters and museums with your girlfriend, discuss all sorts of things, enjoy the interest you have in each other.
Step 8
Arrange pleasant surprises for the girl, involve her in adventures - this will allow her to feel newness in your relationship, and you will charm her even more. Finally, do not forget to declare your love out loud - this is the best demonstration of your feelings.