A significant proportion of adult smokers are people who are addicted to this bad habit in childhood. If your child also took a cigarette, you need to act immediately and decisively. It will be much more difficult for him to quit in adulthood.

Step 1
To start fighting child smoking, it is necessary to first identify the presence of this habit in the child. It is quite possible that in his pockets, briefcase, you will not find any cigarettes or lighters - he can take all this from friends. At the same time, the little smoker will do everything so that no evidence is found in him. A much more sure sign is the smell of tobacco. It can come both from the child himself and from his things. If his mouth does not smell of tobacco at all, and his clothes exude this smell, it means that he does not smoke himself, but is for a long time next to smoking peers. This is also harmful.
Step 2
Do not show pictures of smoker's lungs - there is a rumor among schoolchildren that these pictures are fake and created for the purpose of intimidation. Do not shout at the child, do not try to punish him, do not frighten him by going to a psychiatrist - this will only increase his desire for the forbidden fruit.
Step 3
The main reason for kids to start smoking is to look like an adult. But the child probably wants not only to grow up, but also to grow up sooner. Explain to him that the latter does not work for those who started smoking at an early age. Give examples of acquaintances who find themselves in such a situation. Sometimes this is enough.
Step 4
Another argument that parents can take on board is the child's desire to become strong. The fact that peers offend weak children does not need to be explained to the child - he knows this himself. But the fact that with a cigarette you can stay weak forever, he may not even guess. Explain this to him.
Step 5
The girl may not be affected by both of the previous arguments. Not all of them strive to become strong and tall, and many of them have heard from their friends that nicotine helps to lose weight. Tell your daughter that this way of losing weight quickly ages the skin, especially on the face. Show her pictures of girls whom smoking has made look like old women at the age of 25. Say that women who smoke are reluctant to marry, especially tall and strong non-smokers.
Step 6
Tell them that smoking children still look funny, caricatured youngsters, and a respectable adult remains so even without a cigarette. Introduce the child to the concept of an inferiority complex - let him think about whether this applies to him. Draw his attention to street children who smoke, ask if they look like adults in his opinion. Then give him examples of scientists, athletes, who don't smoke.
Step 7
Most importantly, if you smoke yourself, end it immediately. Otherwise, any attempts to wean a son or daughter from smoking will be unsuccessful.