Women breastfeed their babies for several months or even years. During this time, the mother usually has more than one feast. Each time the question arises, is it possible for a nursing woman to drink alcohol. And if possible, how much.

Should you deny yourself a glass of champagne for the New Year? Is it really impossible to drink 200 grams of your favorite wine on your birthday? Many breastfeeding mothers are concerned about these issues. Let's figure out how dangerous drinking alcohol is in such situations.
Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the mother's bloodstream and penetrates into the milk. However, the alcohol content of milk also drops pretty quickly. A glass of wine or a glass of beer is completely excreted from a woman's body within 3 hours. Thus, a nursing mother can consume 200 grams of weak alcohol immediately after the end of feeding the baby, and by the next feeding, the milk will already be completely safe for the baby.
If a long feast is expected, it is better for a woman to express milk for 2 feedings in advance and freeze it. Thus, for 6-8 hours the child will eat prepared milk, and the mother will be able to allow herself to relax a little. As an exception, you can also feed the baby with formula. If the baby is already eating complementary foods, then while the mother is drinking alcohol, the baby can be fed with the introduced products.
Thus, a nursing mother can occasionally afford to drink alcohol in small amounts, without causing any harm to the health of the child.