How To Feed An 8 Month Old Baby

How To Feed An 8 Month Old Baby
How To Feed An 8 Month Old Baby

As a child grows up, it is very important to change his diet correctly. Even if you adhere to the concept of long-term breastfeeding, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods correctly and on time.

How to feed an 8 month old baby
How to feed an 8 month old baby

Breastfeeding and food

Of course, the addition of complementary foods will lead to the fact that the baby will consume less breast milk. It is advisable to keep evening and morning breastfeeding at the age of eight to ten months, since breast milk contains all the antibodies that a baby needs, which, of course, are not even in the best adapted formulas.

By the time the baby reaches eight months of age, breast milk should take up about a third of the entire baby's diet. But it is very important to diversify the child's menu. For this, a variety of vegetable purees are suitable, which are best made from fresh seasonal vegetables that are not specially processed in order to lie as long as possible. You can add a little greens to such mashed potatoes: parsley, dill, salad. It is not recommended to use any hot spices and seasonings. When your baby is a little older, you can put onions in vegetable purees.

In addition to mashed potatoes, a child at eight months can and should be fed with porridge. It can be quite traditional milk porridge: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, semolina, but you can turn to less conservative options, for example, cook barley porridge. All these cereals are best cooked in diluted milk, which it is advisable to additionally boil before use.

At the age of nine to ten months, it is already safe to start feeding your baby with lean fish meals. Of course, all bones must be removed. The fish is best served mashed or steamed.

How to teach a child to eat?

To accustom your child to new food, do not rush him. It is normal that he will not immediately want to take unfamiliar food. It makes sense to add all new products to the already familiar diet in small portions. Add a tenth of a new one to an old dish known to a child, then increase its content from day to day. Usually, children refuse new food because they are simply not used to it, and not because it seems unpalatable. So do not "improve" the taste of dishes with the help of spices - the child's body may react negatively to them. Just be patient.

An eight-month-old child should not be given any food with sauces, as well as pies, smoked meats, spicy marinades. Do not overdo it with sugary drinks and dishes, it is better to keep the amount of sugar in the diet to a minimum.
