Can A 2-year-old Child Eat Sorrel Soup

Can A 2-year-old Child Eat Sorrel Soup
Can A 2-year-old Child Eat Sorrel Soup

The diet of a 2-year-old child is no longer as selective as at the very beginning of complementary feeding. And the baby himself begins to show an active interest in the adult menu. Parents, on the other hand, are looking for simple and healthy meals that they can prepare for the whole family. Does sorrel soup meet these requirements?

Can a 2-year-old child eat sorrel soup
Can a 2-year-old child eat sorrel soup

The benefits and harms of sorrel

In early spring, when there are almost no fresh vegetables, sorrel comes to the aid of the body weakened during the winter. This plant can be used for food by the end of May. Sorrel is rich in minerals, B vitamins, contains ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, essential oils. Its medicinal properties are equally extensive. Sorrel has a wound healing, choleretic, analgesic and anti-allergic effect. For colds, decoctions from the leaves and roots of the plant are used to rinse and relieve inflammation.

It would seem that a long list of useful properties of sorrel leaves no doubt about the need to include it in the children's diet. However, do not forget about the contraindications to the use of these fragrant leaves. The danger is represented by oxalic acid, which is part of the plant. Its accumulation in the body leads to the deposition of salts, which disrupt mineral metabolism, provoke the formation of kidney stones and exacerbation of gout. Sorrel also interferes with the absorption of calcium, which is extremely undesirable for the child's body. This plant should not be used for stomach and duodenal ulcers, as it irritates the digestive tract.

Sorrel in the children's menu

Sorrel should be offered with great care to a 2-year-old child. For both adults and children, it is better to eat young shoots and leaves because they contain less oxalic acid. Plants that have not had time to overripe and become coarse are rich in useful malic and citric acids. For children with kidney problems, it is better to exclude sorrel from the diet. Lack or problems with calcium absorption is also a strong argument in favor of avoiding these greens. To neutralize oxalic acid, it is advisable to add fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, yogurt) to the dishes.

Sorrel soup is one of the most popular dishes with these spicy herbs. For a 2-year-old child, cook this green borsch with a small amount of sorrel leaves. Observe the baby's reaction and well-being, as this product can irritate the gastrointestinal tract, even in a healthy baby. If everything is in order and the baby likes the sorrel soup, add it to the menu no more than twice a week. And don't increase the amount of greens, so as not to increase the amount of oxalic acid in the soup. Also, do not spare sour cream for dressing.

If the child does not like sorrel or has caused any digestive disorders, feel free to refuse it. The variety of greens and vegetables is so great that you can always find a healthier and safer alternative for the children's menu.
