Going to his first lesson, the child will definitely receive new emotions - both positive and not so much. He will experience such a state throughout his entire period of study, therefore, proper nutrition is very important at the same time.

The colossal expenditure of energy that the child constantly experiences must be compensated for with new forces. The child will be able to receive this power only if he feeds well. According to nutritionists, the best food for a first grader would be fruits, juices, sandwiches, and other similar foods.
It would not hurt to put a cake with walnuts in the child's bag, a few pieces of dried pitted dates, which will replace sweets. Every day the child should receive glucose, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Moreover, it is desirable that these components enter the child's body with natural products.
Best filling
Sandwiches with non-perishable filling will also be a good snack, but it should be borne in mind that these buns should be small in order to be enough for one snack. For example, a cream cheese sandwich with sliced olives. By the way, cheese is considered the best filling for first graders. But with sausage and other perishable foods, you need to be extremely careful so as not to harm the health of your baby.
Some parents put in their first grader's bag a simple biscuit or apple, which is cut into slices, sometimes tangerines or candy, even yoghurts. By the way, if the child does not like fresh apples, you can make fruit envelopes from puff pastry and fruit.
All of these foods are good too, but you should still be careful not to provoke an allergic reaction in your child to a particular food component. But the most important rule when collecting lunch is that the food is nutritious and wholesome, while the son or daughter must like it. Then the expenditure of energy that the student has to withstand will quickly recover, the child will be active not only in the classroom, but also during recess, he will quickly assimilate the material and develop his memory.
The benefits of vegetables
Carrots especially help to restore strength, so this vegetable, as well as others in the form of fried zucchini, stewed cauliflower inflorescences and tomatoes, will become a reliable help in strengthening the young body.
You can also put homemade crackers in the student's portfolio, which are safe for the child. You can also diversify the student's diet with buns, but only from whole grain flour. Or make butter sandwiches or homemade brass pies.
Be sure to have some kind of drink in the bag of a first-grader - a bag of juice or a bottle of plain water, because after a sweet drink it will dry out, which means that it will be distracted from classes.