For a baby to become a strong-willed person, you need to go through several stages. This does not happen immediately. Will can be compared with the voice of the father, while when the mother can tenderly ask, the father speaks clearly and directly what he needs. Will is one of the main character traits.

First stage
Insisting on your opinion, defending your interests. When a child shouts: "I myself!", It is not will. This is an energy that is still unformed and it can turn, not only into will, but also into stubbornness. A stubborn person does everything in defiance not only of himself, but also of those around him, and sometimes even to evil, but a strong-willed person does what he needs, realizing and understanding that he needs to do it this way and not otherwise.
Second phase
To form the will of a child, one should start from early childhood. A child should respect his parents, imitate his father, of course, if the father is a strong-willed person, then he should set an example for his child. When he sees the father's readiness to make important decisions and the like, then this will be the most important element for the formation of a strong-willed character.
If, however, the father is a mumbled, then seeing such behavior, the child will also imitate this and it will take more efforts to form his character and will than that of a strong-willed father. However, the strong-willed character of the father can also be not only an example, but fear of him. By suppressing his own self. Try to convey to the child not the fear of the parent, but the realization of the necessary firmness.
There are people who suppress free individuality, so to speak, supporters of free education. Such parents will not have strong-willed children, for them the word “must” is better transformed into “I want”, since it is associated with suffocating violence, which is unacceptable for them.
Stage Three
Respect for Reason, Commitment, Results and Achievements. When will is a value for a child, when he understands why and for what he lives this way and does this, if he has all this, then he can move on to the final stage.
The final stage
Confrontation to your desires, emotions that are untimely or inappropriate. Accordingly, it is necessary to do it the way you need it, and not the way you want. These are the manifestations of willpower.
Those children have willpower who can force themselves to get out of bed in the morning and do exercises, because they know that they need it in order to be healthy, although they could spend this time stretching in bed.