Stages Of The Formation Of Speech In Children

Stages Of The Formation Of Speech In Children
Stages Of The Formation Of Speech In Children

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Every parent dreams that his child has a correct, literate speech. But, unfortunately, today the problem of speech anomalies is acute. And in order to notice the beginning deviation in the child's speech in time, it is important to know the stages of the formation of speech.

Stages of the formation of speech in children
Stages of the formation of speech in children

In children, the formation of speech does not occur spontaneously, it goes through several stages. It is worth noting that if a child lags behind in speech development from peers, then there is no reason to worry, since a number of factors affect this. First, the environment in which the child grows up: the more often he hears a conversation, the more you involve him in dialogue, the more likely the child will soon master the language system. Secondly, the mental characteristics of the child, which are, of course, individual.


So, the first stage of speech development is humming. In the second month of life, the child develops sound complexes that do not carry much significance. The first element of language that a child learns is intonation. She is the “discerner of meaning” at this time. An attentive mother will determine by intonation what the child needs.

The third to fifth month is a sensitive period for the development of a child's interest in conversation. At this time, the kids consider not so much the person talking to him as a whole, as his articulation.


At the tenth month, babbling appears in the baby. At this stage, he adds individual sounds to syllables. According to some parents, these holophrases (the term Tseitlin S. N., denoting a sound complex with a meaning that is still missing) are the first words; complex, they are not known.

So, in the period from ten months to one and a half years, the child assimilates the entire structure of the language. The first thing that he fills with meaning is syllables. From them, he forms his "own vocabulary" (words that are found only in the speech of children have "adult" synonyms that have not yet been mastered by the child). Of these, phrases and simple, monosyllabic sentences are formed, most often they convey a request, an order. In parallel, the development of phonetics is taking place. The last sound is "p". The upper threshold in its formation is four years of age, if a deviation is found, it is better to immediately, without postponing, consult a specialist.


The final, longest and most difficult stage in the development of speech is the formation of grammar. It is believed that by the age of ten, the structure of the language is fully assimilated. It is important for parents to talk with their child about the language, pay attention to difficulties and, of course, help the child throughout the entire process of language development.
