Speech Defects In Children

Speech Defects In Children
Speech Defects In Children

Today more and more children suffer from speech impairments. Babies lisp more and more often, begin to speak later, and when the moment of the first words comes, they replace some sounds with others. What are these speech disorders associated with?

Speech defects in children
Speech defects in children

There are many reasons, but the following stand out among them:

  • a noticeable reduction in communication between children and parents and the lack of a proper psychological atmosphere in the family;
  • watching cartoons in which the main characters pronounce words distorted;
  • raising a child in a bilingual family;
  • taking antibiotics by a child in the very first months of his life;
  • frequent illnesses affecting hearing;
  • unstable psyche of the child;
  • stress of the mother during pregnancy.

What to do with speech impairments in children?

First, you need to contact a speech therapist - a specialist will always be able to help you and advise you on ways to solve your problem.

Secondly, it is necessary to communicate more often with your child, because it is communication with dad and mom that perfectly affects the child's mind, feelings and speech abilities.

Thirdly, it is important to limit the time spent at the computer and TV.

Fourthly, it is necessary to observe the regime, which includes a quiet hour and a hang-up at half past nine.

Fifth, it is important that the atmosphere in the family is positive, without nerves, irritability and depression.

Remember, you don't have to postpone problems until later, because in the future it will be much more difficult to get rid of them. Boys' speech is formed up to 5, 5 years, and girls - up to 5 years. Consider this and take timely action.
