Child psychologists say that at the age of 1, 5 years, a child is laying the foundations of the worldview and setting a life position - success or self-doubt.

0 to 3 months
A baby at this age is only able to feel temperature, touch, smells, and see visual images. The main sensation is the presence or absence of the mother, her warmth and smell. At this age, the baby needs touch, caress, kisses and words spoken in a gentle tone. Hug and kiss your little one, the more the better!
3 months to 1.5 years
During this period, tactile interactions between the baby and the mother are still significant. Up to six months, the child does not have his own response system, he is completely dependent on the mother, making up a single whole with her. The emotional background of the mother is completely transferred to the child, so it is so important not to worry and not get nervous when you hold your beloved child in your arms or are just nearby.
By investing love and positive emotions in the child, the mother contributes to the formation of the child's self-confidence, which is very significant for the whole future life.

Laying the foundations for a free, confident personality
A happy, calm, self-confident mother always feels the needs of her child and fulfills them. A child surrounded by love, knowing that the mother will always take care, will be there and support in any situation, also grows happy and strong in spirit. Feeling such tremendous support and inner strength of the mother, the baby boldly explores the world around him. Fueled by the energy of his mother, he develops his own inner confidence, which will be useful in adult life to solve the problems that have arisen before him.
Formation of child's self-doubt
If a mother is in a state of anxiety, discomfort, neurosis, then by definition she will not be able to raise a happy child. Such children do not have the confidence that the mother will support, repulse and punish. In such conditions, the child is not able to explore the world around him calmly. A mother using abandonment as a punishment, risking raising an emotionally unstable child, psychotic and insecure. There is another extreme: overprotectiveness. Anxious parents constantly hinder the child in development, stopping them by shouting: don't touch, don't run, don't jump and there are many other "don't". This behavior leads to the formation of passivity in children, in the future the child continues to behave in this way, wait, do not touch, do not go forward.
When raising a baby, it should be remembered that from a very early age, your child is a person. Take into account his needs and interests, and a positive result will not be long in coming.