Personality education is a long and laborious process, the influence on which is possible up to the age of 23. However, the foundation for upbringing needs to be laid in a baby up to four years of age. Usually, everything invested in a child up to this age comes out already in adulthood.

To provide their children with psychological health, parents need to fully meet their children's needs for play with adults. Babies from one to two years old need to engage in any object games (rattles, nesting dolls, and more). At the age of one and a half to three years, role-playing games, for example, caring for dolls and toys, will be most useful. Children over three years old enjoy playing role-playing games with a storyline (games in the store, hospital, school, or something like that)
Discipline plays a big role in the successful upbringing of children. Here it is important to know how to properly raise children without yelling, since babies under the age of three do not understand the meaning of their actions at all. They know the world through their disobedience. That is why any punishment, including cuffs, screams, will not bring positive results, but only on the contrary will provoke the development of aggression and goiter in an older age.
Also, there is often inconsistency between parents in their actions. During a bad mood, the baby flies in through the slightest errors, but when the mood is good, then those actions are simply not noticed. Based on this behavior of parents, children cannot learn which actions are good and which are bad.
How to raise a child correctly?
The first and foremost thing is to never put yourself above your children. They will have time to see the formidable teachers. The job of a good parent is to be a friend and a partner. If a child fully respects his parents, then they automatically deserve the respect from his side, which many want to receive with punishment and shouting.
Second, it is important to have a huge amount of patience and learn not to yell at children. Remember - for bad deeds you do not need to punish and shout at the top of your voice. It is much better to talk, find out the reasons and explain why these or those actions are considered bad. Most often, children do stupid things just to attract attention from adults.
And by the end, the main secret of successful parenting should be noted - instill in your children self-confidence. Remember that they need support every second of their lives. Tell them more often the phrases “I am proud of you”, “I believe in you”, “You can do it”, this will help the child grow up strong and confident in himself and his strengths.