A special child car seat is an integral part of any parent's car. The safety of the little man should come first. Unfortunately, children do not tolerate long-term restriction of freedom of movement. That is why parents need to carefully consider before the trip what the child will be busy with. After all, both his comfort and safety depend on how calmly the child behaves.

Children under the age of 3
Children under one year old most often sleep on the road, so you don't have to think a lot about entertainment here. You can take your favorite book or toy with you. Even a simple change of scenery will easily captivate the baby, he will look around with interest. You must take a drink with you: clean water, compote, juice.
Children from 1 to 3 years old are already facing in the direction of travel. Changing the scenery outside the window can distract him, but the baby will quickly get tired. Care must be taken to ensure that it is comfortable to sleep in the car seat. If the child is awake, he can be occupied with a musical toy or an audio story. Food is also a good distraction for children. You can take with you baby cookies, fruits, dried apricots or other dried fruits.
Child from 3 to 10 years old
An older child in a car seat can spend time with development benefits. Special tables-stands for car seats make it possible to draw, sculpt, fold puzzles. You can listen to children's books or songs in the audio recording. Children love to sing along. You can study colors on the road, watching passing cars, you can teach a child to count. For both toddlers under one year old and older children, we must not forget a light snack: cookies, fruits and juices. If possible, the trip should be planned for the time when the child is asleep. In this case, he will more easily transfer the road.
Children over 10 years old
At this age, children still need a special car seat. A child of this age can occupy himself, parents only need to check what he took with him. It can be a DVD player, a player for watching movies, or listening to music and audiobooks. You can take your game console or tablet with you. Do not read while driving. The constant change in the distance from the book to the eyes adversely affects the vision.
Often, adults do not have enough time to talk to a child. A joint trip is a good opportunity to just talk. It is important not to be too edifying. This can discourage the child from communicating. There are also many games for developing a child's vocabulary and knowledge: playing in cities or burime. If you have audio recordings of music, you can play "Guess the melody". All these games are possible when there is someone else in the car besides the driver and the child. The driver must not be distracted during the road.
From an early age, you need to teach your baby to travel in a special car seat. If you organize the time spent on the road correctly, the child will not feel discomfort and will easily endure the journey.