Modern scientists are developing a lot of all kinds of accessories that make life easier for ordinary people. They have not forgotten about young mothers either. A very convenient hygienic product for baby care is a disposable diaper. The reusable gauze prototype is still not losing ground, but it is becoming less and less popular. Today, a young mother has a choice of which diaper to buy. They differ not only by weight and age group, but also by gender. A young mother, whose son was born, needs to know a lot. How to put on a diaper for a boy is one of the most frequently asked questions.

- baby changing table;
- baby cream;
- diaper;
Step 1
Put a diaper on the changing table, it is necessary for the baby to be comfortable, and the table does not get dirty when applying the cream. Place the diaper on top. Make sure the diaper is patterned on the front.
Step 2
Unfold the diaper, spread it out on the table. It is necessary to prepare the diaper so that the baby can be easily put in it.
Step 3
Put the baby on the table with the bottom in the diaper. Make sure that the diaper does not crumple anywhere, straighten it under the back of the crumbs. If you do not check, the baby may become uncomfortable and will be capricious in the future.
Step 4
Apply a barrier cream to the baby's genitals and bottom. Coat all folds with a protective cream, this will help to avoid rashes on the child's body, respectively, and the comfort of the crumbs largely depends on the level of protection of his skin.
Step 5
Place the front of the baby's diaper on the baby's tummy and unfold the Velcro. Make sure that the fasteners do not harm or rub the skin of the crumbs in any way. Despite the fact that the baby moves all the time and prevents him from doing everything right, try to slowly, systematically perform all the actions.
Step 6
Spread out the protective wings of the diaper so that nothing interferes with your baby's movement. Each diaper has special cuffs and wings, straightening which eliminates the possibility of rubbing the baby's skin.