Why It Is Necessary To Treat Caries In Children

Why It Is Necessary To Treat Caries In Children
Why It Is Necessary To Treat Caries In Children

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Caries is a common condition that affects even baby teeth. Unfortunately, not all parents understand that even decay of milk teeth requires careful treatment.

dental care
dental care


Step 1

Tooth decay is a disease that affects extremely hard tooth tissue. The cause is microorganisms that often remain in the oral cavity after various diseases. Milk teeth are very vulnerable to these microorganisms. In this case, caries develops imperceptibly, but in a short time. A past infection or antibiotic therapy can provoke the disease.

Step 2

With a timely visit to the dentist, a tooth affected by caries can be cured. If the focus of infection is extensive and appeared a long time ago, then the tooth is removed. Often, parents believe that since milk teeth fall out on their own, then there is no need to treat caries. This is unnecessary stress for children, who are usually afraid of dentists. And there is not always time and even money for going to the doctors.

Step 3

However, it should be understood that untreated caries is a constant focus of infection in the child's mouth. At any time, she can make herself felt with an increase in temperature, pain, lack of appetite, and a deterioration in general condition. The focus of infection can move to the area of the ear canal, where it will become inflamed.

Step 4

An important fact is that if you do not treat a carious milk tooth, then it will still have to be removed over time, because the pain will not allow the baby to live peacefully. As a result, the lifespan of the milk tooth will be reduced, and a temporary void will appear in its place. And this can lead to the formation of an incorrect bite in a child, because it is the milk bite that determines the future correct structure of the jaw, the correct development of the chewing and facial muscles, the growth of the tongue. And the future state of the respiratory system and digestion will depend on these factors.

Step 5

It should be understood that under the milk tooth, the molar may already begin to develop. And the infection, under certain circumstances, will capture him. Therefore, there is a likelihood of the formation of decayed molars in childhood.

Step 6

Therefore, an important point is precisely the prevention of caries in milk teeth. As soon as they appear, you need to immediately start looking after them. Daily cleaning of teeth with boiled water or a decoction of chamomile, and then with a toothpaste that is appropriate for age. To keep the teeth healthy longer, it is worth limiting or completely eliminating refined sugars from the child's diet. And of course, do not forget to visit the dentist 2 times a year.
