Life with an alcoholic husband is gradually turning into hell, but at the same time women are in no hurry to divorce, there are many reasons: from banal love to unwillingness to exchange living space. However, there are still more reasons for parting with an alcoholic, and they are much more weighty.

Step 1
One of the main reasons why it is worth leaving an alcoholic is a detrimental effect on children. If you don't have children yet, you shouldn't have them from an alcoholic in any case. Alcohol affects the entire human body, including reproductive function: drinking people are much more likely to have children with disabilities. If there are already children in the family, an alcoholic father will not be able to give them a good upbringing, the smell of fumes and drunken fights is not at all what should surround a developing personality.
Step 2
Living with an alcoholic is a constant lack of money. Lovers of the green snake are usually not kept in good positions, so alcoholics are either generally unemployed or work for a penny, which, however, quickly turn out to be drunk. An alcoholic husband will hardly worry about paying utility bills and buying groceries, all these expenses will completely fall on fragile female shoulders. At the same time, it is good if you do not have to hide money from your spouse, most alcoholics are ready to take the last out of the house, if only they had enough for a bottle.
Step 3
Alcohol destroys the human brain and psyche. A person who regularly abuses alcohol literally becomes insane. He is unpredictable: today he got drunk and fell asleep quietly, and tomorrow he made a scene of jealousy with smashing dishes and assault. Neighborhood with such a person is not only unpleasant, but also really dangerous to health and life.
Step 4
You need to part with an alcoholic as soon as possible. The more you pull, the more the alcoholic husband will degrade. The body of most people is rather poorly tolerated by constant alcohol poisoning, and by the age of forty to fifty years, drinkers develop serious illnesses. The most common of these is cirrhosis of the liver. A person with such a disease can live for quite a long time, but at the same time he literally becomes disabled. If you do not want to become a free caregiver for your careless man, leave him.
Step 5
Living with an alcoholic is an endless waste of nerves that negatively affects your health. Women who have lived their whole lives with drunkards often suffer from neurasthenia, hypertension, heart and vascular problems. At the same time, the vast majority of attempts to save a loved one from the clutches of a green snake usually end in complete failure. Only a very small percentage of men are able to quit alcohol for life. Even if by some miracle a man managed to overcome his addiction and does not drink for several years, the likelihood that he will make friends with the glass again is always very high.