How sad and sad, hopeless and depressing, when two people who love each other part for ridiculous reasons. It would seem that love will overcome everything! But no, the "human factor" interferes - unwillingness to understand a partner, obstinacy on any principles, gossip of ill-wishers and much more.

When parting, lovers can provide many reasons, but in reality there may not be a single one that is really important. Sometimes stereotypes of behavior, looking at others interfere with staying together. If two people fall in love with each other, already having families, public opinion simply forces them to leave. All these conversations of "good counselors" with requests to think about children and parents. Of course, you need to think about them, but you also should not forget that this life is yours and it is one. Will it be so good for your children next to the unfortunate, broken creature, which is their dad or mom? You can get out of this situation in a civilized manner and without scandals and keep your love. Don't part with your loved ones! Long and frequent business trips gradually separate people, they get used to do without each other. Lovers need to feel the partner with their skin, hear his breath, look at the flutter of the beloved's eyelashes - without this, the feelings fade, there is constant fatigue from longing for a partner. If you cannot refuse traveling for objective reasons, find an opportunity to travel together. No wonder the wives of the Decembrists went after their husbands! Often the reason for the separation of loving people is a misunderstanding, an accident, someone's malicious intent. Do not rush to end the relationship if you think your partner is cheating on you. Sometimes, as a result of a frank conversation, some stupid absurdity is revealed, which served as the basis for suspicion. And if you made a scandal with smashing dishes and mutual insults, you could part, because you said a lot to each other. Even after finding out exactly that your beloved has cheated on you, do not rush to chop off the shoulder. Circumstances are so different that in most cases you can forgive the person you love and who loves you. The inability to build your common life can also be the reason for the separation of loving people. There may be an incorrect use of common material resources, and inept cooking of a woman, and a man's unwillingness to help with the housework. Usually, you just have to meet each other halfway, find compromises to solve these problems. People are not completely alone - they have relatives, friends, acquaintances. If for some reason they decide to separate the loving couple, they can do it. Be attentive to the words of the people around you, it is better to prevent the conflict than to eliminate its consequences. True love is a great rarity, if you have such a miracle, keep it, there may be no second chance.