Reducing the amount of breast milk may be necessary when an emergency ends lactation or when the baby is refusing to breastfeed. Unclaimed milk portions can cause chest pain and discomfort.

Step 1
The main method for reducing lactation is to reduce the number of applications. The flow of milk depends on the action of the lactation self-regulation mechanism, which "supplies" the amount of milk that was drunk on the previous day. The number of applications should be reduced gradually - first, one day's feeding is canceled, replacing it with one course of complementary foods. The last to be removed are night feeds that support lactation. Complementary foods offered to the child should contain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. In this case, you should not increase the number of pumping, you need to empty the breast until the condition is slightly alleviated.
Step 2
An old way to stop milk production is to pull on the breast. Ice compresses on the chest, which should be done periodically, help narrow the milk ducts and reduce lactation. If the breast fills up a lot, then poultices from herbal infusions (parsley, chamomile), warming compresses with camphor oil will help.
Step 3
Some herbs have milk-inhibiting properties. Mint and sage leaves boiled with boiling water are good for their calming effect, strengthen the nervous system and regulate excretory functions. Hop cones, along with walnut leaves, can be brewed and drunk after a meal in half a glass.
Step 4
When completing the breastfeeding process, the mother should monitor the amount of fluid consumed and its composition. For a while, you should give up warm and plentiful drinks, milk, hot tea.
Step 5
If emergency weaning is necessary, you can contact your gynecologist, who will prescribe a drug that stops lactation. In such cases, the process can be acute, with fever and a significant deterioration in general condition. Constant monitoring of the condition of the breast is necessary, and in case of detection of seals and inflamed areas, you should consult a doctor.