Family members, in which the baby will soon appear, should take care of purchasing clothes for him in advance. Some parents, adhering to signs, buy things for the little one only after his birth. But after all, shopping in a hurry and purchasing goods that are in stock, and not one that you really like, is inconvenient and will hardly please anyone. Therefore, choose things for the baby during the prenatal period.

Step 1
In the first year of a baby's life, a lot of clothes will not be required. During this period, the toddler grows intensively. After a while, the new overalls or blouse will become too small for him. Therefore, for the first time, a few thin and warm undershirts, five sliders, a pair of caps will be enough.
Step 2
You also need to choose an envelope or jumpsuit for walking, four to five bodysuits, knitted and warm socks and a hat for the season. You will also need diapers: thin and warm. The number depends on whether you will be using disposable diapers. If not, you will need a lot of diapers.
Step 3
Try to avoid clothing in bright colors. These colors can be tiresome for your baby's eyesight. Better get things in pastel shades.
Step 4
When choosing clothes for babies, keep in mind: it should be comfortable. Bows, frills, pockets are useless here. Excessive decorative elements will only interfere with the child, restricting his movement.
Step 5
Convenience when putting on clothes is also important. A romper or undershirt should be effortlessly put on and fastened. Do not buy sweaters that have fasteners on the back, they will cause discomfort to the baby. After all, the baby spends most of the time in a supine position.
Step 6
Pay attention to the material from which the clothes are made. It must be natural. Synthetics are undesirable - they impede the necessary air circulation. The buttons must be sewn securely. Clothes worn on the baby's body should be sewn with the seams outward. Then she will not rub the delicate skin.