A diaper cake is a convenient and practical gift for a newborn. Everyone will like it - after all, this unusual design is easy to disassemble, using the diapers as intended. To make the gift even more valuable and beautiful, complement the diapers with other necessary things for the baby - baby cosmetics, diapers, booties, nipples and toys.

What is made of diapers
A variety of shapes can be made from diapers. Craftsmen create teddy bears, dolls, airplanes, steam locomotives, carriages, castles and other original compositions. As a supplement, bright bottles with baby cosmetics, various toys and other accessories for babies are used. To make the composition beautiful, keep it in the same style and color.
Practice good hygiene when handling diapers. Wash your hands and collect the product in a clean room, and pack it at the end so that no dust gets on the diapers.
The dimensions of the product depend on which diapers you choose. The most practical are diapers for newborns - then the gift can be used immediately after presentation.
Three-tiered diaper cake
The most popular model is the classic three-tiered cake made from rolled diapers. It's easy to do it yourself. Choose accessories in the same color - blue or light blue for boys, pink for girls.
Cut a circle out of cardboard or foam - it will become the basis for the future cake. Cover it with wrapping paper or foil. For more resemblance to a real confection, the base can be covered with a round paper napkin with lace on top.
Roll the diapers into tight rolls and secure with clothespins. Then wrap each roll with thin packing tape and tie it with a bow. The color of the tape depends on the overall shade of the composition.
Do not use glue in your work - it can get on the diapers.
Start assembling the cake. Place the diaper rolls firmly on the base, forming a circle. In the center of the composition, you can install bottles with baby cosmetics - shampoo, cream, shower gel. To make the circle more even, you can shape it with a round metal cake mold. Place the rolls tightly - this will make the cake look neater.
Having finished the bottom "cake", tie it with a wide satin ribbon. Secure it with a stapler. Assemble the second tier of the cake in the same way - it should be slightly smaller. The last tier is made the smallest. Tie each circle with ribbons consistent with the general range. Stack the tiers one on top of the other.
Decorate the finished composition with artificial flowers and children's household items - pacifiers, booties, toys or roses rolled from socks and sliders. Once you've finished your cake, pack it up. The best wrapper is transparent cellophane, which can be decorated with a fluffy bow or ribbon flower.