Modern parents prefer to use disposable diapers from birth. So that the newborn does not experience discomfort, diapers should be changed in a timely manner.

Step 1
In the first months of a child's life, pediatricians recommend changing disposable diapers to a child at least every 2-3 hours. This will help prevent redness, diaper rash, and diaper dermatitis.
Step 2
If your baby pooped, change the diaper right away, even if you put it on just a few minutes ago. Feces can irritate the skin of the newborn, and in girls it can also harm the delicate tissues of the genitals. Do not forget to bring changeable diapers and wet wipes with you for your walk. In the summertime, you can change your child's clothes right on the street. If you are walking in cold weather, try to find a place where you can change your baby's diaper. For example, you can use the services of a mother and child room at a nearby mall. If this is not possible, you had better go home and change your child's clothes.
Step 3
Do not change the diaper before feeding your baby. In the first six months of life, many babies poop while eating or immediately after it. Feed the child, hold him in your arms for 10 minutes, and then change clothes. This way you can reduce the consumption of disposable diapers.
Step 4
There is no need to wake your baby up at night to change his diaper. Usually babies themselves wake up several times during the night's sleep to eat. If the baby pooped, change his diaper. If not, you can wait until morning. This is especially true for mothers who sleep together with their child. Women feed the baby lying down without getting out of bed. Many mothers report that they wake up during breastfeeding for literally a few seconds to help their baby take the breast. If you understand that the baby's diaper is clean, you do not need to wake up and change it to a new one.
Step 5
If, despite frequent diaper changes, your baby still develops redness on the skin, change the brand of the products used. Every time you change clothes, wash the child with water, and if the child pooped, wash the bottom with soap. After that, if possible, let the baby lie down without a diaper for 10-15 minutes. When changing a diaper, the newborn's skin should be dry or nearly dry. If not, use powder before putting on a clean diaper, and also try changing the brand of the product. If redness remains on the baby's skin, use a cream containing panthenol or a special diaper rash ointment. For persistent rashes that persist for more than 2 days, consult a pediatrician.