If your baby is allergic to modern diapers, you can replace them with gauze diapers, which you need to make yourself. Of course, they do not absorb moisture, and after the baby goes to the toilet, the diaper needs to be changed to dry and clean. Another disadvantage that applies to gauze diapers is that they need to be ironed.

Step 1
Make a rectangular diaper using gauze measuring 90 x 180 cm. Fold the gauze in half on the long side. Then fold the gauze in a few more layers until you have a rectangle about 90 x 20 cm in size. Pass the narrow part between the legs, and put the wide one under the baby's back. Secure the diaper with panties or tape. Do not use sharp pins for fixing, they can prick the child.
Step 2
Take a 90 x 180 cm cheesecloth and fold it in half, then obliquely to form a corner. Place the baby on cheesecloth folded in a corner, so that the narrow tip forms at the bottom. Tuck it between the legs towards the tummy and tie the free side ends in a knot. You don't need to tie it too tightly, otherwise your baby will feel discomfort.