Why Do You Need A Wedding

Why Do You Need A Wedding
Why Do You Need A Wedding

For many peoples, many rituals, traditions and foundations are associated with the wedding ceremony. For believers, the wedding is additionally accompanied by religious ceremonies (for Christians, for example, this is a wedding). For a long time, weddings and weddings have been striking events symbolizing the manifestation of the highest form of love in the relationship between a man and a woman.

Why do you need a wedding
Why do you need a wedding

The wedding personifies the sign of the birth of a new family and the established relationship between lovers. But in the modern world, more and more couples appear who prefer to live in a civil marriage. Most of them dream of holding a wedding ceremony, but some are satisfied with their situation as it is.

Why do people decide to have a wedding? There are many answers and reasons for this, and they are different. For some, this is a solution to the problem of lonely status, for others - the importance of observing all the necessary rules and decency to be "like everyone else." There are people who believe that holding this celebration is more necessary for relatives, or this is a forced event in connection with the upcoming replenishment of the family. There are also those couples who ask themselves the question: is it necessary to formalize the relationship, to put a "stamp in the passport"? Will something change from this, because you can live together and enjoy your relationship without observing these formalities. Many people think that you can just go and sign at the registry office without holding feasts and inviting guests, therefore, do everything modestly and unnoticed.

To celebrate a wedding or not is the choice and decision of the young people themselves. But not a single solemn event, be it an engagement, a wedding or just registration at the registry office, has taken place without the newlyweds wanting to capture this significant event as a keepsake.

It is no coincidence that the wedding is called a kind of "hymn of love", connecting once and for all two loving hearts. And it means that a wedding celebration is more than an ordinary holiday that carries with it special significance and importance for the future life. This day, of course, will remain in the memory of all those present, and not only of the main heroes of the occasion.

The main thing is that the step is deliberate and seriously thought out. Therefore, most people are inclined to believe that holding a wedding ceremony is necessary to confirm the fact that now young lovers are moving to a new stage in the formation of their relationship. At the same time, they receive a different status for each other, with slightly different duties and responsibilities.

Thus, the decision to tie the knot results in the celebration of the most exciting and solemn ceremony in the life and destiny of a person - the wedding. Indeed, for the couple and those around them, this sacrament is a kind of indicator of awareness and desire for family life, readiness for the appearance and upbringing of future children.

It is important for any person to celebrate his birthday annually. A wedding is the birthday of a new family, and for many

families, this event occurs only once in a lifetime. Therefore, it is worth it to become one of the most memorable and happy events in people's lives.
