Parents do not always have the opportunity to buy a new-fangled phone for their child or to allocate pocket money to him every day. But now most children have the opportunity to start earning themselves. Even a 12-year-old schoolboy without professional skills will be able to earn money for a brand new mobile phone.

Weekend part-time job
Of course, a student should earn extra money on weekends, not on school days. Otherwise, it may adversely affect his academic performance. For a couple of days a week, you can easily get a job posting ads, become a participant in promotions or hand out flyers. 12-year-old children are also easily accepted for such work.
The lowest-paid option for earning money can be called posting ads. Everything is simple here: the student receives a stack of ads in his hands, which he must paste all over the area, which the employer will indicate to him. Such work will not take much time - up to five hours. Although this work cannot be called easy - you will have to walk a lot through the streets, it is especially difficult on cold winter days, in summer it is quite possible to walk, posting ads along the way. Usually the cost of a glued pile is $ 7-8, the exact cost depends on the city. There are about 1000 ads in the stack.
Distribution of flyers is a good way of earning money for a student. But not all employers can entrust such a task to a 12-year-old student. It often happens that the guys just throw out leaflets, and then claim that they have distributed them to the people. This job is easier than posting ads, since you don't have to run around the city. Handing out leaflets is required in crowded places during the specified hours.
At promotions, the payment is much higher. In addition, if the organizers of the action like the work of the student, then he may be invited to the next actions. And the student will like such work, because it involves putting on a certain costume and a cheerful company of young people.
Part-time job for a student on the Internet
The Internet can be a good option for a student to make money on a new smartphone or going to the cinema. There are several types of earnings on the World Wide Web: solving control, rewriting texts, creating your own website.
To work on the Internet you need a computer, Internet access and, of course, literacy. It will be difficult for a 12-year-old student to create his own website, but he can test himself in writing articles or solving tests - in addition to earning money, this will also increase the child's knowledge. Customers can be found on special exchanges and freelance sites.
Here, the amount of earnings will depend on the student's ability to work independently and his perseverance. After all, not every schoolchild would prefer work to a computer game.
The student and his parents should immediately realize that it is unrealistic to receive huge sums for work that is easily trusted by an unqualified employee. Offers to earn thousands or even millions are irrelevant to normal work, especially if you are asked to make a cash contribution in advance. There are always scammers behind such ads and offers.