How To Teach A Child To Embroider

How To Teach A Child To Embroider
How To Teach A Child To Embroider

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The days when French romance and handicrafts were the main occupations of society girls are long gone. However, this does not mean at all that embroidery as a form of creativity should sink into oblivion. Now it is no longer necessary to prepare your daughter for a needlewoman, but it is very useful to instill in her the basics of embroidery.


Step 1

Get your child involved in your work. Think of some kind of embroidery and ask the girl to help (well, or the boy - it is also not harmful for them to do such things sometimes). Together, figure out what you will embroider, in what technique and with what materials. Find a suitable beautiful scheme and purchase everything you need. The child will certainly be very interested in the process of finding drawings, selecting materials and colors.

Step 2

Teach your child basic needle and thread techniques. If you embroider with a cross, then immediately explain how exactly you need to put the stitches. Teach your child to properly fasten the thread, hold the needle, cover the feast by sewing its tip. For work, choose only needles with a round tip. Do the main part of the embroidery yourself, but from time to time let your child help you. If the child is not very good at working with a needle and thread, come up with an exercise machine for him. There are special perforated cards for teaching sewing. These cards have drawings and small holes to make sewing easier. If you cannot find such cards, make them yourself.

Step 3

Have your child do some embroidery on their own. You can purchase a small embroidery kit with a simple pattern. Just select the size of the hoop for the child and be sure to make sure that all sewing materials such as thread, needles, scissors, etc. always put away. If the child does not do well at first, it’s not a problem. Help unravel knots and tie up broken threads.

Step 4

Teach different techniques. Have you mastered cross stitching? Fine, try now with beads. Tired of beads - go to the smooth surface. A variety of activities are essential.
