Why Live If You Don't Believe In God

Why Live If You Don't Believe In God
Why Live If You Don't Believe In God

Faith leaves an indelible imprint on the life of a believer. Its light illuminates absolutely everything - thoughts, intentions, deeds, attitude towards other people. But for someone who does not believe in God, life takes on completely different features.

Why live if you don't believe in God
Why live if you don't believe in God

It is necessary to understand that it is not faith in God in itself that is important for a believer - that is, the knowledge that God exists, but the consequences that this knowledge bears. All great religions claim that the human soul is immortal, therefore, one must live in such a way as to acquire the necessary spiritual experience, to receive what is valuable there, beyond the bounds of this life.

But if a person does not believe in God and life after death, everything changes. Completely different values are emerging, largely determined by the human soul.

What is worth living for

A person should be happy, it is this rule that becomes decisive when choosing a life path for someone who does not believe in God. But the very concept of happiness is different for everyone. For one it is a family, for another - an opportunity to realize their talents, for a third - a thirst for self-realization, overcoming oneself, reaching the limits of their capabilities. Finally, for someone, life becomes an endless race for fame, prestige, wealth.

There is one interesting observation: in a spiritual person, the face turns into a face in old age, in a spiritless person - into a face. Perhaps this expression does not sound very nice, but it reflects the essence very accurately. To be a spiritual person, you do not have to believe in God - it is enough to listen to your conscience and your soul. They will never tell you anything bad. On the contrary, they will help you find the only path that will lead to happiness.

It is very important to define the innermost thing that makes the heart beat faster, that attracts, captivates, gives joy and boldness. This is how people find their dream - one conquers the ocean, the other - space. The third is attracted by scientific discoveries, the fourth by art, and so on. etc. A correctly found path brings happiness, allows a person, when his time comes, to calmly leave this world - with the knowledge that he did not live in vain. That he did something, achieved something. Or, at the very least, he didn’t give up.

The latter is also very important. You can achieve nothing, but leave with your head held high. Those who did not surrender, who did not submit to fate and its circumstances. Better to risk and lose than not to risk and leave, regretting that life was wasted.

Target selection

When choosing a goal, don't think about money and prestige. Look for what gives you real joy. There is a rule: if a person goes his own way, she gives him everything he needs for life. The most important thing, we repeat, is happiness. And no money can replace him.

Its path gives not only happiness and joy, but also youth. A person who does his own business will remain vigorous, optimistic, and interested in life until a ripe old age. And vice versa, doing not his own business, betraying his dream, a person loses interest in life. He may have everything, but it will not bring him happiness.

Returning to faith, let us remember one old expression - God believes even in those who do not believe in Him. A pure-minded atheist will feel the invisible support of God all his life - precisely because he lives according to his conscience. Those who sincerely strive to learn something, achieve something, achieve something will also receive support. They strive not for the sake of money or fame, but for the sake of achievement as such. For the sake of overcoming, for the sake of reaching new frontiers. All these are true spiritual aspirations that allow a person to grow and improve.

It is always worth remembering that time passes very quickly. There is a good principle: do every action, every action as if it is the last thing you ever do in life. This gives life a completely new quality - it becomes rich, uncompromising. There is no tomorrow - there is only today, now. And this "now" must be lived impeccably - so that there is nothing to regret.
