Kefir is a very healthy fermented milk product that must be eaten not only by adults, but also by young children. Pediatricians recommend introducing it into complementary foods from 8 months.

Step 1
Unfortunately, the baby cannot know which foods are good for their health and which ones are harmful. Therefore, when you offer your child something unusual for him, he may begin to resist. Do not panic, everything can be solved. Try to trick your baby by pouring kefir into a feeding bottle. If the baby is an "artificial", then he will think that this is a familiar mixture, and will drink it without resistance. If the child has been eating breast milk from birth, then complementary feeding can be difficult here. The kid may just out of curiosity try what is in the bubble, or may ignore the offer.
Step 2
In this case, there are alternative ways of teaching a child to kefir. Mix regular fruit puree (apple, pear, etc.) with kefir in equal proportions and shake the resulting mixture. As a result, you will get a very unusual but tasty homogeneous mass. She will certainly be to his liking. The only caveat: do not mix large volumes. The shelf life of fruits and fermented milk products in the "joint version" is short.
Step 3
You can also accustom your child to kefir by pouring liquid into beautiful packaging from the products of the Rastishka or Imunelle companies. A kid who is not familiar with her "trademark" taste will happily drink any liquid from a beautiful, elegant jar and, perhaps, even ask for an additive.
Step 4
If your child basically does not drink kefir because of its sour taste, you can again outsmart the baby. Add a little milk to the original drink, mixing it with jam, honey, etc. (with something sweet and no preservatives). With this simple trick, kefir will become your child's favorite delicacy.
Step 5
They say that if a child does not drink kefir, it means that he simply does not want to. You can, of course, agree with this statement and not bother yourself with pangs of conscience, but just think how many nutrients your beloved baby's body will not receive at the same time.