Most often, parents are faced with children's whims when a child is going through another age crisis. One of these periods is the “three-year crisis”. At this time, the baby becomes uncontrollable. He disobeys, gets annoyed, is capricious and often cries.

Step 1
Your baby, while walking or visiting the store, demands to buy him a toy, a ball, a car, etc. At the same time, having received a refusal, does he whine, scream, stamp his feet or fall to the ground? Do not rush to respond to this child's behavior with anger. Try to stand in his place, listen to the crumbs. Perhaps he is tired of daytime impressions, or is simply trying to get your attention in this way. Try to wait out the tantrum by letting your toddler express his frustration and anger. Then you can say, “I can see that you are really upset. The car is really good. Let's go and take a closer look at her? Often the child is quite happy with this decision. Most likely, he did not need another typewriter, but his mother's attention and affection. The baby will calm down, and you will be able to calmly explain to him why you cannot buy this toy right now. Offer the kid other possible options: buy it another time, ride the carousel, etc.
Step 2
To disaccustom the baby to be capricious, try to yield to him in the little things. But be firm in your position on matters concerning the safety and health of the child and others. Treat him as an equal. Say thank you to the little one, ask permission, always explain where and why you are going with him. Let your baby do everything on his own, helping only when he is unable to cope. Never criticize him for awkwardness or mistakes. If the child is naughty, refusing, for example, to collect toys, offer to do it together. Most often, kids are happy to respond to such a call.
Step 3
Sometimes children are naughty out of boredom. A small child does not always know how to occupy himself, and therefore begins to whine and cling to "mother's skirt". Devote more time to your baby, encourage him to take the initiative. Children's moods are often triggered by hunger and fatigue, both physical and emotional. To avoid this, always plan all activities, games and walks with your baby so that you have time to feed him and put him to bed in time.