After the birth of a child, many mothers like to hold it in their arms all the time. They rock him before bed, walk with him around the apartment, carry the baby in their arms while walking. But time goes by, the child grows. Mom begins to realize that he managed to get used to his hands. Therefore, if there is no longer a reason to carry your baby in your arms all the time, start weaning him off of it.

Step 1
To begin with, try to determine whether the moment has really come when it is worth weaning the newborn from the hands. If you understand that the child is simply "exploiting" you, this must be fought.
Step 2
Do not pick up your baby immediately after he starts to be naughty or cry. Try to calm the whimpering baby in other ways: stroke, shake the cradle or stroller, sing a song, have pity on him in a quiet, calm voice, show him a beautiful toy, turn him over on his tummy. Only after trying all these options, you can pick up the child. Do this only in extreme cases, when the above methods do not bring results. As soon as the newborn is comfortable in his arms, immediately place him back in the crib or stroller.
Step 3
Find out why the baby is crying. Perhaps he is hungry, it's time to change the diaper, or maybe the baby is just uncomfortable to lie.
Step 4
Put something with your scent in the stroller. Thanks to this universal "trick", the baby will constantly feel your presence and quickly calm down. This method will help you wean your child quickly.
Step 5
Keep a close eye on the condition of your baby when you carry him in your arms and lull him to sleep. As soon as the child has dozed off, immediately place him in the crib. If he wakes up, sensing something amiss, take him again for a while. Repeat the procedure until the baby falls asleep in the cradle. You will notice that each time the time of such lulling will be reduced, the baby will calm down faster and fall asleep in the crib. Soon he will stop asking for his arms and start falling asleep on his own.
Step 6
There are moments and days when a child needs to be pitied and taken in his arms: during an illness, when he hit, fell, teeth are teething. If you feel that the baby needs it, do not deny him this. At such moments, you should not begin to wean the baby from the hands. This will deal a serious psychological blow to the baby.