Computer games have long become a real curse for many families. If earlier parents had to make sure that their children did not get too carried away with virtual wars to the detriment of real studies, now wives complain that their husbands have also become, as it were, virtual. They sit at the computer all day and night and play. There are only "levels", "units", "armor" in their heads.

Step 1
First, try to understand that for many people, going into "virtuality" is an escape from an unpleasant reality. Calmly and as impartially as possible, analyze what is “wrong” in your family. Remember that men and women look at the same things differently! Maybe your husband is annoyed by your chatty girlfriend, who comes to you "for the light" almost every evening? Or does your mother act in the same way, accustomed to prying her nose into her own business with the unceremoniousness inherent in many mother-in-law? Then try to reduce contact with them to a reasonable minimum.
Step 2
Maybe the fact is that the husband simply feels unnecessary, he has nothing to do? Alas, the role of a man and a father of a family in modern conditions, especially in large cities, is greatly diminished. Try to "inspire" him to do male-appropriate activities. Let him try, for example, to sheathe a loggia with wood! Bring him to this thought with arguments such as: "Children often get sick in winter, because the apartment is cold and drafts, if only the loggia was warm, wooden …" And in no case do not meddle with advice, tips. Let him estimate how much and what material should be stocked, he will saw and hammer nails himself. Do not forget to sincerely praise, even if the quality of the work is not very good.
Step 3
As a last resort, try the painful but effective method of "knocking out a wedge with a wedge." Is your husband used to sitting at the computer, and breakfasts, lunches, dinners, clean and ironed shirts appear by themselves? Take away these illusions from him. Pretend that you yourself are so carried away by computer games that you now have no time to cook, clean, wash, iron. This, as a rule, helps even in especially severe cases of the husband's gambling addiction.
Step 4
Talk to your husband, explain to him that you do not really like it, that you want love and affection. You can offer him to go to a restaurant or go to nature. Show that you are no worse than in his virtual world.