From the very beginning of his life, the little man announces the world with his cry. For a long time, crying is a way for him to communicate to adults about his feelings. With age, the ability to cry gradually fades away.

Crying baby
The kid will never scream just like that. There is always a good reason for his crying. He still cannot express in words his feelings, talk about his inconveniences, pain. If the child is screaming, find the reason.
One of the most common causes of infant crying is tummy pain and colic. The body of a newborn is just beginning to adapt to the nutrition that it receives with mother's milk or with artificial feeding. Every product is tested by the body. Some of them have a negative reaction - indigestion. As a result, the crying of the baby.
The child may cry when he is not comfortable. Perhaps he should change his diaper or diapers. Dampness quickly leads to irritation of the delicate baby skin, which causes discomfort for the baby.
Crying can also be triggered by hunger. The child is growing rapidly, he needs more and more energy. Despite the feeding regimen, the baby may get hungry between meals.
If you are on a feeding schedule, give your baby water. He may be thirsty.
If the baby is crying in the crib, check the bed. Loose diapers, a blanket can get in the way. By crying, he makes it clear that he is uncomfortable. In addition, the child may be bored - crying, he requires attention. The presence of the mother or other loved ones gives the child a sense of security and peace of mind.
Children's whims
As the child grows up, crying remains one of the means of communicating his desires. This largely depends on the parenting style of the child. With a permissive parenting style, the child attracts the attention of the parents with his whims. With their help, he achieves what he needs.
When adults show hyper-care over a child, he gets used to the fact that all his desires are fulfilled immediately. In the future, at the slightest delay or refusal to fulfill the requirement, the child begins to be capricious. Fast fulfillment of requests is already the norm for him. He perceives refusal as breaking habits, to which he reacts with irritation and roaring.
Children's whims can also indicate fatigue. A child can get tired without realizing it, for example, in the case when he played too much. Capricious behavior, lethargy indicate that it is time for him to rest.
You shouldn't take your irritation on the child. Stand in his position - this will help you understand your baby. His deeds and fortunes are as important as yours.
Ailments can also cause children's whims. When they appear, pay attention to the condition of the child, measure the body temperature. Whims can tell about the onset of the disease.