The crying of an infant is piercing, loud, it is almost impossible to endure it calmly - and this is not accidental. After all, screaming is the only way for a baby to signal to others that something does not suit him.

Newborn babies don't cry for no reason. They cannot, contrary to popular belief, simply "be capricious." If a child cries, then some of his basic needs are not satisfied, without which his further normal existence and development is impossible. The child will scream until the problem he is facing is resolved, therefore, in order for the screaming to stop, it is necessary to find its cause and try to eliminate it.
There are not so few reasons for crying in babies. Here are the most common ones.
Wants to eat
A newborn baby is growing intensively, so it needs food every 2 - 2, 5 hours. But the problem is that a child cannot satisfy hunger on his own, so he notifies adults with a loud cry that he is hungry, while smacking his lips and making sucking movements with his mouth. Having received food, the hungry baby immediately calms down.
Stomach colic
The process of digestion in the first 2-3 months of life in a newborn is only getting better, and the gastrointestinal tract has not yet formed completely. Therefore, at this age, the baby is often tormented by colic. In this case, the child screams loudly, most often some time after feeding or even during it.
To alleviate the suffering of the baby, it is imperative to ensure that after feeding the baby spits up, releasing excess food and air. You can do a massage around the navel, put a warm diaper on the tummy, and bring the baby's legs to the belly. Be sure to lay the baby on the tummy from the first weeks of life.
Discomfort under a diaper or clothing
Some babies react violently to a wet diaper, and this is natural: the skin of a newborn is too thin and tender, and exposure to urine, feces, just a disturbed temperature regime and high humidity causes irritation (the so-called "sweat"). It is clear that the child does not enjoy this, and he reacts by screaming. For the same reason, the baby can show anxiety in uncomfortable clothes: even the smallest fold can cause him suffering.
The nervous system of not only a newborn, but also of an older child is still very imperfect: the processes of excitation in it prevail over the processes of inhibition, so if the baby is overworked, it is difficult for him to calm down and fall asleep on his own. In this case, he begins to be capricious, cry, can behave even more noisy and active than usual, getting even more tired. The child needs help to calm down.
You can try to turn off the light, remove extraneous noise, shake the baby in your arms. Surprisingly, many children fall asleep to the so-called "white noise" that occurs when a hair dryer, vacuum cleaner and other uniformly humming electrical appliances are in operation. Some babies calm down quickly in moving vehicles.
Heat or cold
Thermoregulation of the newborn is still imperfect, so he experiences severe discomfort when the ambient temperature is too high or too low. Heat is especially dangerous for babies: the baby may have a fever, his skin turns red, and he begins to cry loudly. At the same time, the newborn tolerates cool air quite firmly. Do not wrap your baby up unnecessarily to avoid overheating, but drafts can be dangerous for him.
The need for communication
A newborn child needs communication even more than an adult. Direct skin-to-skin contact, the gentle intonations of her mother's voice, the warmth of her body give him a sense of peace and security, and this is a necessary condition for the normal mental development of a child in the early stages of life.
It has been noticed that babies who, by the will of fate, ended up in a boarding institution immediately after birth, very quickly stop crying: they feel that their need for communication cannot be satisfied, and stop signaling that they need protection and care.
Studies have shown that such mental trauma with age leads to an incorrect formation of the child's emotional sphere, and its consequences cannot be corrected and leave a mark on the human psyche for life. Therefore, you should not be afraid to once again take the baby in your arms and give him the feeling of peace and security that he needs so much.