The ability to remain silent during the time is a virtue that few people possess. My tongue is my enemy. It is not for nothing that in the old days people came up with such a saying. Finding the right balance between silence and defense of your opinion is a difficult science.

How often do most people regret what they say. How much grief can be caused by an offensive, even truthful word. Careers are crumbling, couples break up because of spoken words in the heat of the moment. You can apologize as much as you like and pull your hair out, but the words cannot be brought back.
It is difficult, almost impossible to constantly control oneself. But there are a number of situations in which it is necessary to remain calm and evaluate your words. If you are dragged into a conflict situation, then you should realize that under the influence of the moment you can say too much. Under the influence of a momentary impulse, people hang evil labels, remember the weaknesses of their opponent. If you find yourself in a similar situation, stop. Take a break, go to another room, to the bathroom. You can wash yourself with water or make tea, take time out. This will help you to take a sober view of the fight and even end it.
Sometimes, when starting another speech, think about why you need it. What is your goal? Maybe you are just in a bad mood and you are trying to throw out negativity on a loved one. The key to a happy marriage is the ability to shut up in time. It is better to look for other ways to relieve your irritation. There are many ways - a hot bath, sports, a glass of wine, there are a lot of options. If these situations happen frequently, make a list of these "antidotes" and use them. When you come home from work in a bad mood, it is better to tell your loved ones right away and ask them to leave you alone for a while.
However, constant silence borders on isolation. It is also fraught with softness and inability to stand up for itself. As life shows, it is necessary to find a middle ground. You are the master of your life and must be able to control yourself.
The ability to manage your emotions is worth a lot. Sometimes you have to learn this all your life. If you are an overly emotional person, then your enemies can take advantage of this. Many people can play on the mood of a person, so be careful and do not become the object of such people. All that is needed here is attentiveness and a little practice.