Why Do Women Cut Their Hair Short?

Why Do Women Cut Their Hair Short?
Why Do Women Cut Their Hair Short?

There is no definite answer to the question: "Why do women choose short haircuts for themselves?" Each woman has her own reasons for this.

Why do women cut their hair short?
Why do women cut their hair short?

Over the past few decades, short haircuts have consistently been on the list of the most popular among ladies of all ages. Each young lady has her own special reasons for giving up the main female jewelry - long curls.

Hair condition

It may seem that most often women choose a short haircut for themselves, because it suits them (in the shape of the face, head) and emphasizes the dignity of their appearance. But, judging by thematic polls among the fair sex from 18 to 55 years old, the main reason for choosing such a hairstyle is precisely the condition of the curls. If a girl has bad hair for any reason, then she prefers to make a stylish short haircut, and not suffer and try to hide the lack of thickness of her hair or other existing problems.

It happens that such measures have to be taken after an illness, an operation, or a long intake of serious medications. In this case, a short haircut becomes a temporary solution, for example, so that active hair loss and strong weakening of hair do not catch the eye. But in the process of recovery, girls often get used to the new image, understand that it is successful, comfortable and does not require much effort, and remain in it for many years.

The condition of the curls also changes over the years. Therefore, so often ladies after 40 opt for the shortest possible hairstyle. It distracts attention from the gradually appearing gray hair, allows you to save on regular staining, hiding the first signs of aging. It is believed that a short haircut is youthful, adds freshness to the image. At the same time, many modern stylists say the opposite: it is the long curls and bangs that allow women to appear much younger than their age.

Unconventional views

It is known that ultra-short haircuts are chosen by those young ladies who want to emphasize their belonging to special groups in society. For example, these are ladies with non-traditional sexual orientation, who feel more comfortable in a masculine image.

Feminists choose short hairstyles to emphasize their unwillingness to support existing stereotypes about women. Indeed, many of them are sure that most often girls choose long hair solely in order to please a man and seduce him.


Today you can even find completely bald women on the streets. If this is not a compulsory measure due to health problems, then usually girls completely give up their hair in order to stand out from the crowd and attract attention. This also applies to unusual haircuts "for a boy". Often they are also complemented by bright original coloring, catchy makeup, piercings on the face, and an abundance of jewelry.


It happens that a woman chooses a boy-like haircut or other similar options simply because she does not have time to take care of long hair. Short hairstyles are very comfortable. It is enough to wash your strands, use balm and shake your head to be ready to go to work or a date. In addition, short hair is instantly dried with a hairdryer and allows you to significantly save on shampoo.

If a girl works a lot, then such a haircut can be a great way for her to set aside at least a little more time for rest and time with her family. The main thing is not to forget to visit the hairdresser regularly and refresh your hairstyle so that it looks stylish and neat.

Features of appearance

Of course, girls choose short hairstyles also because they just suit them. If a lady has large beautiful facial features, then, for example, a haircut for a boy will help emphasize them, draw the attention of others to the main feminine dignity - big bright eyes, plump sensual lips, prominent cheekbones, an even neat nose.

The discussed haircuts go to slender ladies, regardless of their height. As for age, there are no restrictions here either. A short hairstyle may well suit both a young 16-year-old lady and an elderly woman.

Regardless of the reasons why the girl chose a short haircut, you need to try to choose exactly the one that suits her best in all respects. The arsenal of modern hairdressers has a huge selection of options, so there should be no problems with this.
