The baby's first birthday is an occasion to sum up some results. Your child has turned from a helpless being into a person with his own character and habits. The time of infancy has come to an end, a cheerful childhood awaits the baby.

Step 1
In the first year of life, boys reach 72-80 cm, and girls - 71-78 cm in height. Most children already confidently stand on their feet and walk, holding the hand of an adult. There are fewer and fewer places in the house that were not explored by the young discoverer. He opens cabinets on his own, rattles pots, pours out the contents of cans. Parents need to sharpen their vigilance, because contact with hot or sharp objects can be very dangerous for a one-year-old toddler.
Step 2
A baby at the age of one year is interested in watching the movement of objects. He happily throws his toys around, laughs when the ball bounces off the wall. The favorite pose of a one-year-old baby is to rest your hands and feet on the floor, arch your back up, tilt your head down and watch the adults. Games are becoming more serious: a child learns to assemble a pyramid, imitating adults, to add one cube on top of another. New amusements appear, for example, reaching out to mom and pulling her hand away when she tries to take it. The whole action is accompanied by joyful laughter. Imitating an adult, the child plays goodies and "peek-a-boo".
Step 3
In a year, the baby already knows how to drink from a cup and eat on his own, holding a spoon in his hand. The skills have not yet been brought to perfection, therefore, after eating, parents have to wash not only the baby, but also the entire space next to it. The child knows the names of favorite toys, items of clothing, body parts. He knows the names of close people. He looks in the right direction, if you name someone from the family, knows how to wave his hand goodbye, fulfills simple requests (bring, give, put, etc.).
Step 4
At the age of one year, children experience their first psychological crisis. The child feels quite independent, affection for the mother is weakening. The kid wants to help adults, to do something on his own. He is dissatisfied with being capricious if his parents prohibit something or take away the subject of his interest.
Step 5
The vocabulary of a one-year-old baby consists of 8-10 simple words. He is able to answer the question "Who is this?" In monosyllables, imitate the intonation of adults, the melody of his favorite song. With interest he tries to repeat unfamiliar words and pretends to speak on the phone. The child's emotions also become more complex. He may cry when he sees a child crying, or be upset if the children on the playground do not accept him into play.