Child aggression is an important topic, since such behavior in children, starting with subtle manifestations, gradually becomes more and more problematic and takes on acute forms. Psychologists, educators, doctors note an increase in the number of children with this behavior.

Aggression in a child is a sure sign of emotional distress, one of the methods of psychological protection available to him, albeit inadequate. The child's behavior can be provocative - for him it is a way to relieve the accumulated anxiety, psycho-emotional stress.
Causes of Childhood Aggression
The following are named as the reasons for the emergence of aggressive behavior in a child:
- childbirth with pathology, which leaves consequences in the form of brain damage;
- the wrong attitude in the family towards the upbringing of the child;
- deterioration of living conditions in social terms;
- lack of attention on the part of children's institutions to the neuropsychic conditions of pupils.
Despite the fact that interest in this problem from a scientific point of view is growing, for the most part, the measures are reduced to theoretical considerations about the causes of its occurrence and how it manifests itself. And a very small amount of research is based on real experience of correcting the situation or taking measures to prevent it. Moreover, for children of preschool age, timely correction of behavior can be extremely important, since aggressiveness is not always the norm for them, but is in its infancy.
Games to help reduce aggression
Among the techniques that are used to reduce aggressive behavior in a child, very different ones can be used. This is a demonstration of behavior without aggression, and a discussion with the child of the current situation, and even complete disregard for undesirable behavior. The greatest effect can be brought by outdoor games, which must be selected depending on the age of the children. Games can be like this, for example.
For children 3-4 years old, playing with pillows is of great benefit - this is an absolutely safe and accessible shell for everyone. The game "Knock out the dust" - the participants are given one pillow, supposedly very dusty, which he must clean, properly beating.
Children over the age of five can be encouraged to play Fortress Assault if they have enough unbreakable items to build. These can be pillows and blankets, chairs, cubes, winter clothes. Prepare balls - "cannonballs". In turn, the participants throw "cannonballs" into the fortress until they manage to break it to pieces. With each successful throw, it is necessary to issue loud victory cries.
Outdoor games with loud screams help to dump the accumulated energy, which otherwise results in aggression, stupid running around
An adult, faced with the aggressiveness of children, should try to reduce stress, try to smooth out the situation. To do this, you should first of all keep your emotions under control - this will help maintain normal relations with the child, not give an impetus to the further development of the situation, and sometimes it shows that the adult still remains the master of the situation.