How To Recognize An Envious Person

How To Recognize An Envious Person
How To Recognize An Envious Person

Envy is one of the most powerful sins that enslaves a person, making him weak and defenseless. Unfortunately, most people, at least once, felt it on themselves, and they themselves were jealous. However, it is not so easy to identify an envious person among the inner circle. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with some tricks that will allow you to recognize it.

How to recognize an envious person
How to recognize an envious person

The causes of envy

People are often jealous of what they lack and what they really want to get. For most people, envy begins from childhood, and then everything depends on the character of the person. First, there is a desire to have someone else's toy, at an older age this develops into a desire to dress as beautifully and stylishly as a friend (friend), then earn the same amount as the boss, as well as rest abroad, have a good family like a neighbor (neighbor) etc. At first glance, banal desires personify envy.

After you stop being jealous yourself, you can easily recognize ill-wishers and envious people.

Over time, many people learn to mask this feeling without ever learning how to get rid of it. But wise people know the truth, which says "Take everything for granted." If you don’t have something, but your neighbor does, then it should be so. To each his own. If you really want to possess something that another person has, envy can be turned into a tool for developing and improving yourself.

Tricks of recognizing an envious person

Any envious person will not shout that he is jealous of you. He will try to hide his real feelings as best as possible. And only non-verbal signals - in other words, gestures - will definitely reveal its essence. To do this, you just need to watch him.

Squinting gaze and "shifting" eyes. It is not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Taking a closer look, you can easily understand how your interlocutor is disposed towards you and how sincere he is with you. Nose wrinkles. If you notice wrinkles obliquely to the back of the nose, then this is direct evidence of the fact that your interlocutor feels unfriendliness, disgust and embarrassment towards you. And these feelings are close relatives of envy.

The first sign of envy is an unnatural squeezed smile. In order to create a situation in which you can test a smile, just tell your interlocutor the good news, brag about your achievement. A fake smile will surely give him away. Another sign of envy is a tense lower abdomen. During the dialogue, pay attention to the belly of the interlocutor. If you notice how his muscles in this part of the body tensed, his stomach pulled in slightly, and his torso barely leaned forward, this is an occasion to think about what the true feelings of your friend or acquaintance are.

Pay special attention to the hands of your interlocutor. With strong emotions, it is difficult for even an experienced psychologist to control his hands. When a person is overwhelmed with envy, he unconsciously begins to clench his hand into a fist. Another signal can be unclenched brushes.

Before considering these gestures, you should carefully analyze them. After all, the interlocutor can simply put his hands down, before that he has opened his brushes or by chance look away. Be observant in drawing conclusions.

In addition to the gestures by which you can recognize an envious person, remember that:

- a person who constantly criticizes you or, on the contrary, overly joyfully exalts your every achievement, probably harbors a feeling of envy towards you;

- if a person, hearing about your successes, pretends to be indifferent and shows with all his behavior that he is not interested and bored, he also tries to hide his envy.

To summarize the above, the most reliable way to recognize an envious person will be your intuition. Listen to her more often and, if you feel discomfort in the company of some people, feel free to cross them out of your life!
