Did you know that in order to recognize a person, it is enough to talk to him for 10 minutes? If you want your interlocutor to easily understand you and recognize you as you need it, you should know how to behave in what situation. Here we will talk about gestures, facial expressions and even about appearance.

Step 1
Indeed, by the behavior of the interlocutor, one can even find out what he carefully hides. However, in order to see the whole truth about a person by his voice, facial expressions and gestures, certain skills are required to recognize the meaning of certain gestures and expressions.
Take a closer look at your eyes. You can also learn a lot from a person's eyes. For example, if your interlocutor does not look directly into your eyes, but to the sides, it means that he has something to hide, and do not expect openness from him. If the whole conversation the person looks into your eyes inseparably, then you are interested in him much more than the subject of your conversation.
Step 2
Pay attention to the smile. You can draw the first conclusions about a person by the way he smiles. A smile can be open and sincere, which means that your interlocutor is friendly. But the “squeezing out” of a smile and its artificiality will indicate that the desire to communicate is not so great. It has long been known that with an insincere smile, only the muscles around the lips contract. A sincere open person smiles with his whole face. A wry smile is a sign of nervousness. And if the eyebrows are raised during a smile, this means a readiness for communication and even that a person can obey you. Having noticed that a person does not blink at all during a smile, one should expect from him some hidden or obvious threat.
Step 3
Listen to the voice. A confident loud voice indicates that the person is in an optimistic mood. A sign of tension can be not only a crooked smile, but also an unstable tone of voice. A piercing note in your voice will tell you that the other person is worried about something.