In the process of studying, a preschool child can quickly get tired. To restore his working capacity, they spend physical education minutes. The role of physical education is in its variety of effects on the physical, emotional and psychological development of the child.

The health-improving value of physical education
One of the main directions of the kindergarten's work is the preservation and strengthening of the child's health. Educational classes that are held in kindergarten require perseverance and concentration from the child. The properties of the nervous system of preschool children are characterized by rapid fatigue.
Even the first signs of fatigue reduce children's performance, worsen attention and perception of educational material. Physical exercises carried out in various forms in kindergarten have a significant impact on the body and its performance. According to its physiological significance, physical education is a type of active rest. The physiological mechanism of active rest consists in switching from the activity of some nerve centers, which get tired during work, to the activity of other centers associated with the regulation of movements during physical exercises. Changing the child's activities helps to increase and maintain mental activity during classes.
The complex of physical education includes short-term exercises for the hands, the development and strengthening of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, legs. Alternate muscle tension and relaxation in combination with rhythmic breathing helps to strengthen the child's body, eliminate stagnation in the circulatory system, and increase metabolism.
Fresh air is the main condition for carrying out a complex of physical education. Exercise with windows open in summer and with transoms in winter increases the resistance of the child's body to colds.
The role of physical education in the development of the psychoemotional sphere of the child
At preschool age, active mastery of speech occurs. Therefore, carrying out a complex of physical education in kindergarten is usually accompanied by funny rhymes and songs. Pronunciation aloud of poetic and song forms contributes to the development of the pupils' speech apparatus, thinking, and memory.
The emotional color of the physical education minute is essential. Children love to do sports activities with music. Thus, they learn to feel the rhythm and tempo of the melody, are enriched with musical impressions, and develop an ear for music.
The inclusion of simple dance steps in the content of the physical education complex develops coordination of movements and the ability to move rhythmically. The physical exercises included in the complex should be changed every 2 weeks. Learning a variety of physical exercises in a complex of physical education allows the child to get acquainted with new types of movements.
The systematic fulfillment of a physical education minute forms a need for regular physical education in a preschooler.